Newfound Purpose

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In the following weeks, nothing of any great import happened. My intent on writing this record is for my actions and motives to be understood. After the second fight with the Cat, I spent a week recuperating. Edmund would not stop mothering over me, curse his bones. Ten days later we received a coded missive from both Lex and Lord Isshmus. Lex had sent us a condensed blurt of data, but the Tech Priests unravelled it quickly. SHe found Valakt, and had given us directions. I groaned. It would take a few months to reach. Our Departure took only two days, as we finished loading up supplies, wargear and fuel. Lord Isshmus's message was a bit more pointed, and directly addressed to me.

"Lore. I am writing this to address your personal actions during your first response at Seranet Spire. This is in no way a formal declaration or critique. Take it as advice. Your actions in dealing with the enemy was satisfactory, if a little blunt. You adhered to the Inquisitorial edicts and procedures, and everything was done by the book. No comment there. As I am sure you yourself have noticed, your years of battling the Tyranid menace has caused you to lose your efficiency when dealing with humans. As such, I have devised a regime of training for you and your entourage to better re-acquaint yourselves in this manner. I trust you to follow them Stavrakis. Do not fail me in this."

No pressure.

After two days of preparation, the Radiant Dawn powered through the atmosphere of Setra Prime, out into the gulf of space. Our heading would take us close to the fringes of the Tyranid menace, near the latest incursion. As such, I incorporated Tyranid fighting drills into our training as well as the regime Lord Isshmus had sent us. During the long months of travel, I worked hard to regain the level of fitness I once had. I also had daily or weekly interviews with the mysterious women. After the first two weeks, she had enough courage to sit at the table we had put into her cell.

"I still do not remember my name." She said meekly, anticipating my question. "Nor do I remember anything to do with a large jungle cat."

I sat at the table with her, sipping intermittently at my coffee. She had refused any food, and only requested a cup of water.

"Perhaps," I started. "You can choose a new name?"

She looked thoughtful, almost hopeful. Then she sagged in her seat and sighed.

"There is no point. I am to die." Her voice had no conviction in it, and it seemed that she was ready to die.

I stayed silent, sipping my coffee. This women was a mystery. I knew all about Whiterock and their nature God, and how their religion centred around Shamanism. Other than that, the nature of their Elderwood, this woman and her history, it all eluded me. I suppose that in my original encounter with her, I was goading her into an emotional response. Look how well that turned out. No, I was not planning on executing her, no matter how much Imperial and Inquisition law demanded it. There was no point to it. I nodded speculatively, as if considering what she said. I could tell her the truth. Explain everything to her. I could also keep up the pretense of killing her, the incentive to stay alive would ensure her compliance. I studied her again. Her short, red hair was looking healthier than it had when I first saw her. She was at least eating well outside of these lengthy interviews. Her eyes were tiny, yellow-gold globes. It reminded me of her in the guise of the cat. A huge, imposing mammoth of a creature with a coat the colour of night. Then you see the eyes, and realize there is an intelligence at work. A mind, sapient and understanding, directing every muscle, every movement, every thought. I had stood defiant against the rush of the dark Eldar and felt less fear at the thought. I knew the reason. Everything the Eldars dark kin build is meant to strike fear into their enemies. The Talos Engine, with its huge metal frame, giant claws and battle cannon was intended to demoralize the enemy. A jungle cat... not so much. The fear one felt was a byproduct of the realization that this creature occurred naturally in the universe. This terrifying creature, with paws the size of dinner plates, and a bite so fierce it could crush most men in two, was not a creature designed to instill fear. I shuddered then, and came out of my reverie.

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