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It has been ten years since you were born. You can now wander around the castle and follow your brothers. You have been kept from the kingdom, and only a few know about you. Frigga, Odin, Thor, Loki, Sif, Fandral, Hogun, Volstagg, your nurse and obviously Heimdall. Thor absolutely adores you, but Loki hasn't warmed up to you yet. He is starting to play tricks on you, like changing your drinks into sour milk. He's rather annoying, so you froze him in his room for an hour. Thor loved it. He never stops bringing it up. Frigga wasn't as impressed. She grounded you for a week. But no matter how tedious the grounding was, it was all worth it to see Loki's frozen face. To say that he turned a little blue is an understatement, he went full-on blue. Mother sorted him out before anything else could happen.

You pull on a long, silk dress. It's (F/C) with some gold embroidery. You tie your (H/C) hair into a braid and slip into some gold slippers. A knock on your door pulls you from the mirror and you glide towards the door. Thor, who is now seventeen, is stood outside and smiles broadly at you.
"Sister, your studies have been cancelled for today. Would you like to come for a ride with Loki and me?"
"Of course. As long as Loki does not play any tricks." You scowl.
Thor laughs. "I shall get the stable boy to collect our horses, and we shall meet you in the private gardens." He bows and leaves.
You take your cape from the chair, and you wrap it around your shoulders as you exit your chamber. No one is in the corridors, and you find this odd. Usually, there are people everywhere. Maybe Odin is attending a meeting. You carry on down the hall, and you step out into the sunlight. It is late afternoon, and everyone is coming home from their work. Luckily, no one except the All Father's family, and obviously the royal gardeners, are allowed in the private gardens. When you arrive, Loki and Thor are awaiting by their horses. Loki has a pure black one, and Thor has a chestnut coloured one. Yours is a grey one called Misty. You have had her and trained her since she was a foal. Thor helps you mount, and they climb onto their horses.
"Where shall we go?" You ponder.
"How about into the hills? I have heard the sunset looks magnificent from up there." Thor booms with a smile.
Loki rolls his eyes. "Let us do something dangerous."
"(Y/N) is only ten!" Thor fights back.
"Then she should get to do something fun." Loki grins. "Sister, you should choose. Something boring with Thor or something fun with me?"
Your bright (E/C) eyes move between both of your brothers. Loki has a mischievous grin, and Thor wears a polite smile. You bite your red lip in anxiety. Snow starts to fall around the three of you as you make a decision.
"I have been rather bored in my chambers since mother grounded me. So, fun with Loki." You grin broadly.
Loki bows his head. "Of course, sister. Right, this way." He shouts as he gallops towards the dark forest.
You follow shortly behind after saying farewell to Thor. "Loki, this better not be a trick."
"Of course not, sister. You have proved that you are a worthy contestant to my ticks."
For the first time in your short life, you feel loved by your brother Loki, and you hope that he will continue to show this love, throughout your life.

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