Chapter 5- Everything I Ever Wanted

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The door flew open to reveal a rather worn out Jesy but a very giddy Perrie, "I'm never going shopping with you again" Jesy says in a huff as she collapses onto the couch flinging her arms and legs over both sides.

"You love me really" Perrie strolled upto the tired looking girl, trying to keep an upset face so she'd feel sorry for Perrie but the both just ended up laughing at each other as Perrie fell on the couch with Jesy.

"Have fun then?" the little geordie popped her head up from Leigh's neck to watch the tickle fight between Perrie and Jesy.

"AHH- NOO - P P PERRIE STOP" Jesy kicked and struggled to try and get out of Perrie's reach but she ended up kicking her onto the floor and Jade receiving a nod before her.

"Shall we tell them Poopey?" Leigh whispered into her partners ear, hoping that the other girls didn't hear what she said.

"Tell us what" The blonde girl got up from the floor and stood crossed arms facing Leigh and Jade on the sofa bed. The other two girls looked at each other for encouragement then finally Jade letting out a nod to edge Leigh to talk about it all.

" Well girlies, me and Jade are well together" She said with a huge grin on her face, she looked down at her bestfriend in the big caramel eyes before locking their lips together earning 'awh's' and cooes from the other girls. It's everything that Leigh ever wanted, to be sat snuggled up here and kissing the most beautiful person she's ever seen. It felt so right when her lips touched Jade's, how they both could feel each others smile on each others faces. Jes and Pez knew it was going to happen sooner or later but right know they are so happy that their best friends are together, but jesy still needs to tell that one person something that's been growing on her for quite a while now. Jealousy ran through her body when Jade and Leigh both kissed each other she just wished she could do the same to her little blonde beauty, she checked her jacket pocket to see if she had that one thing that will get her through this. 'Well here goes nothing'.

"Urm sorry to break your little love session over there but I've still got something to say" they all moved over to the couch that Jesy and Perrie slept on last night, jesy sat on the couch whilst the other three stared up at her from the floor like she was a teacher telling her six year olds a story at story time. " right to begin with, I am so grateful to have you three as my bestfriends I can rely on each and everyone of you for anything but I'm not going to go into a sob story. Perrie, wow were can I start, everytime I see you I can't describe that feeling that goes on inside me, your blonde locks, your piercing blue eyes, your complexion everything just sends me crazy for you. And I wish that you could be mine, so Perrie Louise Edwards will you do me the honour of being the most perfect girlfriend I can get" and with that Jesy pulled out a small box from her pocket, opening to reveal a small peace signed bracelet and carved around it saying 'you'll always be in my heart' . As soon as Perrie saw her bracelet she immediately jumped onto Jesy locking their lips together. With ever one of them it felt so right to be in love with their bestfriends.

"So what are we going to do for the rest of the day then girls" Perrie broke free from Jesy's lips gasping as she said those words.

"Well I need to go and see me mam but why don't you and jesy come over to mine for another sleepover". Right then Leigh felt jealousy run through her body as Jade only asked Perrie and Jesy, then it mixed in with anger just because they've only just got together and she felt like Jade is already ditching her for the other two lovebirds. Jade got up after she got a reply from both Jesy and Perrie, gathering her things together there was no point in getting changed because she only lived round the corner from Jesy plus her pj's are joggers and one of Leigh's top she's claimed. The faint smell of Leigh still lingers on it, everytime Jade is by herself she always wears one of Leigh's top then just like that she feels like she's right next to Leigh.

"You coming then or do you want to stay here whilst them two eat each other's face off" all the jealousy and anger feelings just went away when Leigh received that cheeky grin off Jade, she knew that she wouldn't just leave her out but then she might just wanted to talk to Jesy and Perrie. Leigh raced upstairs gathering up her things that are scattered across all over Jesy room, not bothering either to get changed even thought it's the middle of autumn and she'll be wearing a crop top and short shorts god knows what everyone will think. She ran down the stairs snaking her arms around jades waist giving her a quick kiss on the lips before saying the byes and heading out the door to go to Jades.

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