Irrational Treasure

Start from the beginning

"Eh, so what?" Bella waved it off, "Like I'm gotta let that stop me from being heard!"

She ran up on stage, her blue drawstring bag bouncing against her lower back.

"And here we have our first newcomer," Preston turned towards Bella and narrowed his eyes, "Bella..."

"Yeah! Let's get this Pioneer Day started!" Bella cheered. "Pi-o-neer! Pi-o-neer!"

The town started chanting with her.

"Um, sorry to break it to you, but Pioneer Day is for serious people, and you look and act like a weirdo," Preston scoffed. "I mean, do you really carry that bag of stuffed animals everywhere? Grow up."

"Well why would I want to do that?" Bella crossed her arms. "Being weird is fun. It's not a bad thing!"

"You do have Doritos hanging from your ears, dear," Preston pointed out with a sneer.

"That's because they're neato Dorito earrings, you jerk!" Bella yelled. The crowd murmured.

"Wow, I feel sorry for you," Preston chuckled. "Give her a hand, folks!"

The crowd clapped as Bella stomped off stage and over to the twins.

"Now who wants to hear more about me?" Preston asked.

"Hey Bella, you ok?" Stan asked, walking over to her with Ford.

"I need some old-timey butterscotch," Bella growled angrily.


Meanwhile, Mabel was still candle-dipping, and was holding up the line. People yelled at her to move faster and let other people have a turn.

"Ah, keep your pants on," Mabel waved them off.

"Ma'am, I have to ask you to leave," the man running the station said. "Or I'll call the police."

"Ha! What are they gonna do?" Mabel laughed. "Put me in a stock?"


That's exactly what the police did. They locked Mabel in a stock in the middle of town.

"I should really keep my mouth shut," Mabel grumbled.


Bella and the twins were sitting in front of a statue of Nathaniel Northwest. Bella was eating a bag of caramel, and had abandoned her Dorito earrings.

"Hey guys?" She said, looking at the twins. "Do you think being weird is a bad thing?"

"Uh, nooooo?" The twins said, stretching out their answer.

"Exactly!" Bella agreed. "I just can't get Preston to see that! And he always make fun of me for being myself! Who does that?!"

"Preston," Ford growled, turning to look at the statue behind them. "Why does he think that being related to the town founder means he can treat everyone like garbage? Someone needs to take him down a peg." Ford gasped in realization. "Hold on a second! I think I read something about this in the journal." He pulled out the third journal, flipping open to a page. "Here we go. Of course!" He read aloud in a deep voice. "In my investigations- should I do the voice?"

"Nuh-uh," Stan shook his head.

"I'll just read normal," Ford said and cleared his throat. "In my investigations, I recently made a discovery. Nathaniel Northwest may not be the true founder of Gravity Falls! I believe this secret is emburied somewhere on the enclosed document. If only I could crack the code." He opened up a folded piece of paper. It was covered in weird symbols and shapes. "Oh man! If this cover-up is true, it means that Preston's whole family is a fraud! This is a major conspiracy!"

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