Chapter 2

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Victini would like to join your party!
Do you accept? {Yes/No}

......All I had to do was feed it?!!

Who made it this easy to catch a mythical pokemon?! Not that I'm complaining. I hit {Yes} and a red event pokeball appeared in my hand.

I immediately stored Victini in its pokeball. Walking around with a mythical pokemon would've put a huge target on my back, and that's the last thing I need.

The line for the professor's lab was a lot shorter when I left the house. Some idiots were busy arguing near the door, so while they settled their differences I slipped past them into the lab.

Having Victini didn't stop me from getting a starter, and I chose Oshawott since it had the least weaknesses to worry about. An NPC gave me some Poké Balls and potions once I'd confirmed my choice, along with a mirror item I'd never seen before.

What's this for?

Curious, I materialized the mirror and looked at my reflection. My avatar now looked exactly like my normal body.

That said, my avatar had already looked almost exactly like the real me. During the beta test we'd had to start with our real appearances so they could test the imaging software, and I'd been too lazy to change it later. So I was still a dark haired boy with golden eyes wearing the male character's outfit from Pokémon Emerald. My skin was slightly darker because of my recent tan, but that was it.

They probably gave us our real-world appearances to drive home that this isn't just a game anymore. As if we needed reminding.

I opened the menu to check my pokemon's summaries, but an extra line of text on my status made me pause:

Player: Zero

Unique Skill: {Legend Seeker}
Greatly raises the probability of encountering Rare or Mythical Pokémon, to the point where it could be considered a curse.

.......Well that's new.


"Have you determined if any players have obtained {Skills}?"

A dark laboratory. Machines of all shapes and sizes filled the space, their blinking lights casting twisted shadows. A scientist with his face obscured by a thick pair of glasses nervously replied to the masked figure before him.

"We've managed to locate three skill holders so far, one each in Sinnoh, Hoenn and Unova. However, we're unable to get the specific player data thanks to that man's meddling."

The masked man scowled at this report. His subordinate quickly resumed talking, eager to improve his mood.

"But we do have some good news. That boy's taken the bait just as we hoped. His account data is shielded, but we're positive he was transferred to Unova."

The masked man spoke, his emotionless voice causing sweat to appear on the scientist's brow. "Well then, you have your work cut out for you. Either crack Professor Daniel's code or force it out of his son. But don't you dare appear before me again without results."

The masked man vanished, leaving nothing but his cold words behind. The scientist breathed a sigh of relief as he was freed from the pressure, then addressed a figure in the shadows.

"You heard him. Go to Unova and keep an eye on that kid. I want to know every move he makes."

"Yes doctor." That figure's presence disappeared as well.

The scientist, now truly alone, allowed a small smile to appear on his face.

"Let the games begin, Zero. How will you get out of this one?"

Pokémon World Online ~ Birth of the Legendary Trainer [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now