Desraye & Josh- The Same Way

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Josh's POV

So Ken hosting a slumber party today. Boysquad can make it and Tati, uh... Um, wait a sec-

J- Ken!

K- I'm right next to you, you dont need to yell dude.

J- Who else is coming besides Boysquad?

K- Tati, Tahani and Desraye... yeah, thats it.

J- ok

Ahh! Desraye's coming! Yes! Yes! Yes!

Btw the boys came over early so we can have some guy time before the girls ruined it.

G- Aye, Ken. We playin spin the bottle?

W- why? You wanna kiss Tati? Actually dont answer. YOU DO!

G- I never said that!

S- But seriously, are we playin or nah?

K- If you guys wanna kiss the girls so much, then I guess.

S- kk, I am bored...

K- Oh yah. Sean, go cook us something!

S- I'm not your butler!

W- well...

J- You kinda are...

G- go!

K- tacos sound nice!

S- ugh, I'll go cook for you, peasants- *Doorbell*

K- Coming!

Ken opened the door and we saw the girls taking a group selfie.

K- srsly?

Tati- yep!

W- Seans making tacos for us.




We all burst out into laughter.

K- Lets go up to my room and play some games.


All the boys looked over at Gabe. I could tell he was blushing but he looked down to hide it.

We walked over to Kenneths room. He got out a bottle and set it on the floor. He motioned for us to sit around the bottle.

K- Tati, since you wanted to do this so much, why dont you go first?

T- ok!

She spun the bottle and it landed on... Sean.

They gave each other a little peck on the lips.

Sean spun the bottle and it landed on... Desraye.

Oh. Well this is great.

They gave each other a very quick kiss, just like Sean and Tati.

Desraye began to spin the bottle..

Desraye's POV

Ugh, Sean... Lets just get this over with...

After the kiss, it was my turn to spin the bottle. Please land on- YES!

The bottle had barely landed on Josh.

He was my crush, I mean, hes perfect😍.

We started to lean in, and our lips connected. He leaned in a little closer. Nothing felt better at this moment, I was lost in his touch.


G- Guys? Guys? Guys? GGUUYYS!!!

My head shot up to look at Gabe.

G- Ok, lovebirds. Thats enough.

The whole squad nodded in agreement.

J- Excuse me for a sec.

He took my hand and lead me to the hallway.

J- So, about that kiss...

D- ilikeyou.

Uh oh. What did i just say!?

J- You like me?

Im suprised he understood that. My words came out faster than lightning.

D- Im sorry, I am so dumb, just forget I ever said that...

J- No, I wont forget.

He turned my face so our eyes locked.

J- Desraye, I have loved you for a long time, and I never will stop. I am so glad you feel the same way. This is one of the best nights of my life. And its all because of you. Will you be my girlfriend?

I felt my self blushing like crazy.

Theres no way I could decline. I mean, its the freaking Josh Price!

D- Of course!

Josh pulled me in and our lips met without warning.

I kissed back. His hands traveled to my waist and pulled me closer. I did the same to his neck.

But, ugh, I hate slumber parties with a bunch of people

Ta- Um, Josh yo- EWWWW!!

Tati- Whats wrong?

Ta- Josh and Desraye were kissing!!

I chuckled. That was expected, since Tahani is the youngest one here😂 (i know tati is actually but this is a story, deal with it😂)

So seanleww1125, I really hoped you enjoyed this imagine!
💗 thanks for your kind words💗


Boysquad Imagines!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora