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"James..." " Will you ?" " I don't know. The only choice I have is to think about it or say no." I told him. He stood up with a look of defeat." Even if I did say yes...which I'm not saying right now . I have to learn to trust you again ." I said sitting down on the chair. "I want you to trust me again. I do and I want us to be a family. Just me , you and Levi and many more mini me's in the near future." I laughed . " See. I want to make you laugh again without being in pain." " I'm not laughing because of that . I'm laughing because you think I'm gonna push another baby out of my vagina again...that shit hurt." I laughed some more.
He smiled at me waiting for me to finish laughing. "Are you done ?" I nodded. "Come here ." He said pulling me up. " What ?" I asked. He took my face into his hands and kissed me. I thought I would have felt something but I felt nothing . I kissed him back but then pulled away. " Y-y-you need to go now." I said. " Okay. I'll come by later ?" " We won't be here ." " Oh." "Bye." I heard the front door close and called out for Levi. " Levi , you wanna go see Uncle Brendan ?" I asked . I pulled him up in my lap and fed him.
Tommie: can we come over ?
Brendan: ofc what time ?
Tommie: around 3
Brendan: okay I'll make something to eat.
Tommie: okay bye
I looked down and saw my boob in his mouth while sleeping." I love you , Levi." I whispered .
We drove to Brendan's house in LA. I took Levi out his car seat and grabbed everything I needed. I walked up to the door with him on my hip and rang the bell. The door opened to reveal Brendan wearing a red polo , light ripped jeans and brown Sperrys. His hair messy and in his face. "Hey." He breathed. " Hey. You look like you are out of breath ." I laughed walking inside . " I ran all the way from upstairs because I saw you pull up." He said. " You're weird . Don't do that." " Sorry. So what do you want to do today ?" " I need to talk to you about something."  I walked over into the living room and turned on the tv for Levi. " Talk to me about what ?" I put him down and pulled his arm towards the kitchen. It was all white with granite countertops and stainless steel appliances. " Nice kitchen." I said. " Tommie." " Okay , okay. James asked me to marry him but I don't know if I want to now. I mean yeah before he fake died  , I wanted nothing more but now it doesn't feel right. All he is to me now is Levi's father not a guy I've been with since my first year in college. I don't know what to do ." I looked at Brendan and all he did was smile.

" It's okay. If you don't feel anything towards him , just say no. I'm sure he will understand, I mean he did leave you when you were pregnant. Do you really want someone that was scared to raise a child with a very, VERY, beautiful woman then he is really fucking stupid." " Thank you." I kissed his cheek and he smiled. " Your welcome." " I'm hungry...so get cooking."

After , we ate we took Levi to the park. " Duckie !" " No , baby. You are not going to feed the ducks." "  That's because you are terrified of them." " Damn , right I am. I am not getting bit by one again." I huffed. " Are you still upset about the incident on the farm our senior year ?" He started laughing. " Shut up. " " That was fucking hilarious , you ran in circles , screaming one the top of your lungs." I glared at him. " Not funny." Then Levi started running towards the ducks . " Levi !" I yelled but he just laughed and ran closer . Brendan took off after him and swooped him up. He was giggling and trying to push Brendan's face away from him. " Don't do that !" I exclaimed. " Mommy !" Brendan looked at me and smiled. " He's too cute." " Whatever ." I sighed . He put him down and  grasped my hand. " I'm sorry, that all of this has happened to you. Just know that I will always be there for you,baby." "Baby ? Where did that come from ?" I laughed. " Sorry, that came out of nowhere." He blushed. " Stop blushing." He cleared his throat and his green eyes twinkled. "I never liked Michael anyway." He said a matter-of-factly.  " I know. Come on, I want ice cream ." I whined.
" James ! I don't want to talk about it anymore ! I told you I would fucking think about it !" I yelled . " Don't raise your voice at me , Tommie ." He growled. " What the fuck are you going to do about it ?" " You don't want me to." " Oh , really ? You keep pestering me about the engagement... after you and my mother lied to me for a year and you expect me to come crawling back to you after you faked your death ? Are you fucking crazy, bitch !" " Don't call me that !" I scoffed. " Bitch, Bitch, Bitch ." He walked over to me and slammed me against the wall. " I told you to stop speaking to me like that ." I glared at him . " Get the fuck out and don't come over here unless I invite you." " You can't keep me away from my son." He stepped away from me. " I can do whatever the hell I want since I basically raised by my damn self, bitch." He was going to say something else when the doorbell ring. " We are not done talking , do not answer that door." I walked out the room and was about to grab the handle when he grabbed my arm. " Don't answer the door ." " This is my house." I pulled my arm out his grip and turned the knob. It was Brendan in a dark blue suit and his hair in messy curls. " Hey." " Hello, Brendan." I smiled. " Aye, can you come back later , we are kind of in the middle of something here ?" " No, he can stay , you can get the fuck out." He glared at me and brushed pass Brendan but not before glaring at me. " Fucking dickhead." I mumbled. Brendan came inside and sat down on the couch. " What happened?"
"He was bothering me about the engagement thing and then I cussed him out and he pushed against the wall but then he was to say something when you rang the doorbell." I sighed pulling at my hair. " He put his hands on you ?" "Not important. Are you on your lunch break or something ?" " Tommie. Don't change the subject." " Fine, when we were dating he would like grab my wrist or punch the wall next to me when we were arguing ." I said. " Where's Levi ?" " In his room sleeping."  " Okay. Have you spoken to Michael at all ?" " No." " Well. You need to because he has been missing meetings and not answering phone calls or anything . Just talk to him." He pleaded. I rolled my eyes. " Fine, I'm gonna need to you to watch Levi then for me." I said. "Deal."

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