Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen, Saying goodbye, Separation Part, Two Chara's real story about the fall.

Frisk's Pov

"Well, I guess this is goodbye for now, don't think Tori will let me out of the house for a while." I chuckle sadly.

Ash smiles sadly "Dont worry I'll track you down and burst right those the doors."

I roll my eyes with a snort, "I'm sure you will."

"I'll call you okay!" Gavin sighs sadly, "Can't have my best friend running out of my life again."

I smile slightly, Finn was quiet leaning against the wall behind us. I know he doesn't like goodbyes since I ran out and them, I can see why it was pretty bad.

I grab my bag and phone as I'm heading out the door, then we were on our way home.

I don't want to talk to Sans so I let Chara have control.

¤ ¤


Chara's Pov

We get home, I wave to Sky and Finn as before me and Mattiz walk in side, Tori walks over, probably expecting Frisk.

Her eyes widen, Mattiz asks "Chara, why is Mama so shocked?"

"Well, she didn't know I was here, it's kinda a shock to most people." I explain.

He asks curious "Why didn't she know about you?"

"Yes my ch- Chara, why didn't I know about you? Why couldnt you be here with us? We would've protect you." She asks a little hurt in her voice.

I sigh "Well, I got what I deserved, I did things that I could never be forgiven for, and I knew I'd be putting Frisk in danger cause Sans would never stop trying to find a way to kill me... but I was always there."

Tori sighs "Your right about Sans, Alphys thinks she has a way you separate you and Frisk. And they've being at the lab since earlier today they even got Asriel down there."

I look down to Mattiz and say choked up "Matt, me and mama need to talk alone for a sec can you go to your room?"

He nods and runs up stair, I look at Tori and say "This is up to Frisk you know."

"Yes I do, he said that he could convince her some way." She sighs.

¤ ¤


"What? I'M NOT LETTING THEM KILL YOU!" Frisk yells,

I sigh sitting in our room, "Frisk you have to."

"WHY?" She cries.

"Its better that way," I start with a shakey voice, "then you don't have to worry about me anymore."

"I'm not letting them hurt you." She cries.

"Frisk, stop crying please," I say as some tears fall from my eyes, "You'll be better off with out me, I'm just in the way."

"No." She sniffles being stubborn.

"Dont be thing way Frisk," I cry "You'll be fine."

I hear a knock at the door, "Who is it?" I ask trying not to sound as if I was crying which I am.

"Its Asriel." Asriel says throw the door.

I sigh "Come in."

He walks in and asks "Mom told you guys didn't she?"

I nod not looking at him.

"Come on Chara, please don't make me." Frisk sniffles.

Azzy frowns "Sans is planning to get rid of you Chara."

A War Over Me? (An Undertale Love war Story) ~Sans X Frisk V.S Asriel X Frisk~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora