Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen, Overprotective growling, Were leaving tonight, and Separation Talk.

Chara's Pov

I taps the screen and smirk when I read "Tell your crush to the person in front of you."

His normally medium-tan skin turns pale, and says nervously "Pass."

"Thats your only pass you sure you wanna use it on this one?" I ask alittle disappointed.

He nods and I sigh "I'm done with this game."

"Well, what do you wanna do?" He asks curious.

I sigh "Sleep, I forgot how hard it is to be in control of a body."

He chuckles pulling me next to him and asks smirking " Are you sure you want to sleep instead of hanging out with me?"

I felt my face heat up and I stutter nervously "W-What do you wanna do?"

"Hmmm... how about we watch Netflix?" He smirks.

I nod and he laughs turning on the Netflixs icon, a few episodes of All American Horror Stories later and I completely out.

¤ ¤


Frisk's Pov

"Frisk, you have to wake up you've been asleep for like fifteen hours." I hear Gavin laugh.

I groan "Leave me alone."

Then Finn yells "WHO THE FUCK PRANKED ME?!"

I open my eyes and ask Gavin "Did C do that?"

Gavin smirks and I laugh falling of the couch then he laughs at me.

I roll my eyes and stand up, Finn storms down stairs and asks "Who pranked me?"

His faces was covered in whipped cream and cheese Gavin and I brust out he gives us a harsh glare and I smile "Oh, I wish I did that!"

"It was awesome huh?" Chara laughs.

Finn groans and storms to the bathroom, Ashton, Jess, and Sky walk down stairs and ask "Whats wrong with him?"

"That motherfucker got pranked!" Gavin says laughing.

Sky laughs "I should've stayed up I would have loved to seen that!"

"Me too." I laugh along with him.

My phone buzzes, saying I got a text, on the coffee table, I pick it up to see a new wallpaper, a selfie of Gavin and Chara, I smile at Gavin and ask "Since when do you take selfies?"

"That was Char's idea, we also hacked your Facebook." He smirks.

I groan with a smile "What am I going to do with you two?"

I check the text that was from Drew "Hey when you get back Alphys wants to see you and I'm sorry for telling them. They were freaking out about Asriel's mood from this year, I was only defending Chara they were blaming her. " My smile turns to a frown.

"Well we're screwed." Chara mutters.

"Defiantly." I agree at a voice no one could hear, I feel their stares and I sigh angrily "Drew's gonna be the death of me."

"What he do now?" Sky asks clearly upset.

I sigh "Well, he's the one who told Asriel and Sans about Chara, then he tells me Alphys wants to see me which means she wants to test how the whole thing works, then he says he only told them because he was trying to defend Chara when they didn't even know if she was still fucking alive, he could've just shut his mouth but no."

Jessica huffs "Thats a shitty excuse, I mean they couldn't prove anything about Chara being around. When do you guys go home?"

I look at Sky who frowns turn his head toward her "Tonight."

"Nope," Ash sighs wrapping his arms around me, "Your not leaving."

I smile "Ash I have to, Tori is probably a mess over the whole Chara in my head thing."

"Yeah, and Sky starts a school tomorrow!" Finn says with a smirk as he walks out of the bathroom all cleaned up.

Sky groans "Dont remind me!"

Asriel and Sans walk in to see the whole ordeal and they're not happy with Ashton arms around me, we could all tell that, every time they step towards us Ash growls making them step back into the spot they were before which I think is adorable.

Finn laughs "Looks like someone is being overprotective!"

"Very." Gavin grumbles, I knew he liked Chara but she thinks I'm stupid for even thinking that.

Sans say angrily "Whatever, are we ever going to talk about the Chara thing or no?"

"Well, Chara and Asriel have already made up, and I know you'll never forgive her so what's the point?" I sigh angrily clearly not wanting to talk about this subject.

Chara starts laughing as shes saw the look of anger and shock on his face, at this point Ash let go of me and I storm upstairs and locked myself in Jesses room so I could be alone.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do anymore Chara," I sigh and tears fill my eyes, "Its like he can't get over the fact of your guys past. I can't keep putting on a fake smile knowing there disappointed that I didn't tell them. It feels like I'm alone in this stupid game we call life."

"We'll find a way and your NEVER alone, remember that." Chara reassures me.

Letting some tears slip out I sigh quietly "It doesn't feel that way."

Sans Pov

I made her upset with me.... I feel horrible, I'm usually the funny-bone with all the jokes and skeletons puns.

I made the girl I love hurt, why can't I just get over the fact me and Chara hate each other, Chara's not Frisk, and Frisk isn't Chara.

I can't I get the image of Chara's bloody smirk out of my head?!

That evil smirk that she had when she killed the ones I love.

I teleport to Tori's. She looks at me and you could tell she hadn't slept, she asks worried "Whats wrong?"

"I made Frisk upset, and I hate myself for it." I sigh flopping down on the loving room couch, "I just cant forgive Chara, and it.... it hurts to know someone you love is hurting because you hurt them."

I continue "Chara has messed with me so many times I can't even think straight when I'm around Frisk knowing Chara is listening in on the conversation."

"Sans, Chara has always been apart of Frisk's life even before she knew us. We can't stop that, we can't help that. Frisk is an," she swallows hard as she says " Shes an adult now, she can pick and choose who's in or out of her life. And it looks like we've been dealing with Chara for the past five years as well as Frisk, we have to trust that Frisk is making the right decision."

I was about to say something when Alphys brust through the door and stutters "I-I think I-I can separate t-the girls!"

Tori's eyes widen and I ask with a deep voice "How?"


Hello my fellow UnderTale fans! Here's another chapter! I know it's a bit short, I just really wanted to post this one! I love writing this type of stuff! But till next chapter bye!



A War Over Me? (An Undertale Love war Story) ~Sans X Frisk V.S Asriel X Frisk~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant