Things Are Not Going Well For Me Right Now

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Dear Whoever,

      I lost my best friend yesterday... His name is Flint. I call him "Flint Lockwood!" He is 20 years old. He is real, not imaginary. Yes, I do have friends surprisingly. He may say he doesn't have emotions, but I can point them out a mile away. He a big, burly guy with medium curly hair. We were suppose to complete together.... Now we don't even go near each other. Yeah we rag on each other and sometimes they are harsh, but that's not why we're not friends. Its because of me. Because of my answer. Yes and No. I should have chose no. I knew what would happen if I said yes. So I didn't really choose, but not choosing is just as bad as saying yes. I miss him. I miss our table. We're like the mafia or a family. I miss early morning breakfast rag time. I feel like the bambina of the famiglia that got thrown out by the godfather. I miss my best friend. I want him and everything back.... I'm lost..... I'm sorry.... I should have said no... I'm such an idiot..

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