I'm Getting Adopted By WHO KNOW?! (Chapter 2)

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Nany's Pov:

I was in my room watching VanossGaming with Delirious, WildCat,Mini,Nogla,Droid (( Did i spell it right?))Lui and Moo. Today Mrs.Sara said that a couple was coming to adopt so looked at the time 'It's only 10:45a.m. Ms.Sara said that the couple will come around 11 or 12, ok let's get ready' i said inside my head i got up and went to my closet and found the perfect cloths i smiled a tiny smile
"Are you gonna wear that Nany?" Ms.Sara said i turned to her and nodded with a small smile on my lips
"Ok just get ready ok they are almost here." She said and left
I changed into my cloths. Purple was my favorite color plus it's my birth stone

After i changed i got back on my bed and played the video that i was watching few minutes later i heard a knock on my door,the door opened and came in Mrs

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After i changed i got back on my bed and played the video that i was watching few minutes later i heard a knock on my door,the door opened and came in Mrs.Sara
"They are here, they already meant everyone, it's only you left Joney" she said i nodded turned off my laptop i pointed to my Teddy Bear
"Of course you can bring it" she said with a smile i grabbed my Purple Teddy Bear that had blue eyes and a blue ribbon on it's neck

This purple teddy bear actually came from who was it again ah yea Silent Driod yea yea i know what your thinking how the fuck did he gave you that? Well when i reached 2,000,000 subs i told the subs my address well the adoption center and they gav...

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This purple teddy bear actually came from who was it again ah yea Silent Driod yea yea i know what your thinking how the fuck did he gave you that? Well when i reached 2,000,000 subs i told the subs my address well the adoption center and they gave me but the one that got me the most that had S.D on it i was confused put then when i opened it there was a note that said "Congrates on 2,000,000 subs Lonely. Keep up the great work maybe i will play with you and maybe invite you to play with me and the guys~Silent Driod i was happy and everything that one of my favorite youtubers actually send me something i held it tightly in my arm and walked out of my room Ms.Sara right next to me then we where in front of the door that had white and black stirped lines going across
"This is the last one" i heard Ms.Sara say i walked in with my head low and sat on the chair
"This is Joneysha, she is 15 years-old, she loves to make youtube videos and she is a youtuber herself, her nickmanes are Nany,Lonely or Joney. She has Asthma, she will have problems with her stomach and her blood sugar. Her parents abused her when she was 2 years-old" Ms.Sara said sadness in her voice
"Awww poor girl" that voice sounded familiar
"Can she talk?" Another voice they sounded like guys so gay people are gonna adapt me? Don't get me wrong am not against gay people im not that person
"No...since then she only nods and shakes her head...i never heard her talk but if she trusts you enough she will give you a small smile and hey eyes will sparkle" Ms.Sara said. Ok hold the fuck up so my eyes sparkle now? Well...Ms.Sara said that when i first smiled at her that my eyes sparkled with life and a hint of happiness wow cool.
"Joney you should look up" Ms.Sara said i looked up and my eyes widen right there in front of me was motherfucking VanossGaming with his shirt VG and a red white jacket like his gta character who was that guy next to him he had a baby blue eyes, a 'I'm The Real Delirious' shirt with a blue Jacket
"It looks like you know one of us" Vanoss said i nodded and pointed to him he laughed "Can we ask you questions it can be a yes or no questions" i nodded my head my body felt happy i never felt like this before
"Wait i know i have a white board that she can use" Ms.Sara said she went and grabbed the white board and gave it to me and the Marker was Purple she does know me
"Ok first question do you know who we are?"

" i know you Vanoss but the guy next to you i don't know he looks like Delirious from his gta character but without the mask"

He laughed and nodded to the blue boy next to him
"Hey LonelyGamerGirl, my names Jonathan and guess what your looking at the real Delirious" he said and laughed no fucking way H2O DELIRIOUS IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!


They both laughed causing me to blush
"Ok question two, what are your favorite colors" Delirious said

"Um...my most favorite color is Purple because it's my birth stone but my two other favorite colors are red and blue"

"Ok question three, favorite animals?" Vanoss said

"Raccon,Owl,Pig,Fox,Dogs any kind,Wolfs,Moneys any animal's really"

"Question four, do you know what a hybrid is" Delirious asked

Why did Delirious ask that i looked at Ms.Sara and she nodded at me giving me a medium smile

"Yea i do...I'm one actually...my parents where abusive...but they where also crazy scientists...they also experienced on me...that's how i lost my voice...i do try and talk but everytime i do it...it hurts me alot"

"What animal are you if i may ask?" Vanoss asked soft coming next to me Delirious did the same thing, why do i wanna cry? What is wrong with me? Why is my body acting this way?

"I'm a...raccon but my ears and tail look like foxs ears and tail but I'm 100% that im a raccon mixed with a owl but only the color orange will show"

I wrote down i hugged Teddy, yes i named my teddy bear Teddy deal with it i felt arms wrapped around me it Vanoss and Delirious arms they where hugging me i felt calm

"Now last question" Delirious said he and Vanoss looked at each other and smiled

"We are adapting you Joney" they said at the same time my eyes widen bigger then the fucking sun

"A-Are you S-serious?"

They both nodded

"We want you to be our child so what do you say do you wanna be Joney Fong Denise?"

I couldn't believe this i jumped up and hugged Delirious and nodded my head fast

"Here you go guys" Ms.Sara said to Vanoss handing her my papers he signed it and turned the paper to me

"Joney Fong Denise adapted by Evan Fong Denise and Jonathan Fong Denise"

I smiled big for the first time in 15 years

"Welcome to the Family Joney" Delirious said i nodded i still had that big smile on my face i turned to Mrs.Sara she had the biggest smile on her face while crying i unwrap myself from my new dad and run to hug Mrs.Sara tightly

"See i told you that you where gonna be adapted, and you should keep that smile on your face, im gonna miss you Nany you where like a little sister to me" she said crying huggin me tightly i hugged her the same way Sara was always a big sister to me and im also gonna miss her big time
"Let's go and back your things Nany" Vanoss said i nodded he took my hand and i led him to my room where started to pack we where down and i went down stairs i waved goodbye to Ms.Sara.Walked out the adoption center Delirious was in front of a grey with Luke not Cartoonz but Homeless Guy
"So this is the lucky girl huh?" He asked i nodded
"She can't talk Luke but maybe soon" Vanoss said putting my bags in the trunk i got my phone out and type and showed it to Luke

"I know who you are! Your Luke a.k.a Homeless Guy well atleast that's what Syndicate calls you"

He laughed and patted my head "You can call me Homeless Guy or Luke i don't mind,now we should head back to everyone one at the house" wait did he just say everyone?! I sat in the back sit with Delirious, Vanoss in the passenger sit and Luke driving i guess i spaced out because we where already in the high way. I layed my head on Delirious shoulder he wrapped his arm around my waist protectly ((is that a word?!))he put his head on my head
"You should rest it's really far where we are going also there is a surprise for you two actually" Delirious said i nodded and closed my eyes a smile on my face.

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