Beasts On The Horizon- Part Two

Start from the beginning


'They have become too powerful, too quickly, my love!' He told her.
She had heard this voice before, but never had she seen such clear a picture; and never of them, together.
Long white hair with tips the color of blood, her white robes flowing about her feet as she moved; and her equal balance, the darkness flowing through him, save for the strands of white in his hair, the strands of his soul that his love had tried to save...
'We cannot interfere! It would go against everything we have worked for...'
'They will destroy worlds and terrorize millions...'
His words faded away as the image before her, changed. The night turned to day and the vast lawns turned to clear blue waters; and then a wasteland of sands.
'Then that, my love, is what they will become.'
'But not before their destructive ways are unleashed upon the others...'
Such sad voices, but not ones that would last as the sea of sands reformed in front of her and a new voice emerged; echoing over the rest.
'You will listen, and you will listen well. Your Masters have come,and with them, the power to claim what is rightfully yours, but only if you fight for it.'
Hundreds of voices filled her mind, and never before had she felt fear as such. Heart wrenching agony,combined with the will to will no more...
The voices of many,drowning out the simple thoughts of the one; it was impossible to tell which was which.
'How will we fight?" An old voice replied, an a thousand souls cried out in his wake.
'Raise up the armies from your loins, and gather those who would bear arms against our enemies...'
'But, how?' The old voice beckoned again, and a surge of annoyance ran through her as she watched the transaction of thoughts progress.
A beast, massive and mighty,and a male, an Insid, with shabby, run don clothes and a limp as he walked forward. This was Insidia, these were the beasts she had seen before. But, why had she returned to this moment? She had never returned to a previous encounter, ever?
'We will provide you with what you need! Weapons and tactical advantages, ships to transport your warriors! There is nothing we would not do, for our new... family.'
The voices were so eerie, the way the spoke in unison, the way the Insid elder just stood there, staring at him as if he were contemplating the next big battle. They weren't seriously going to war again? This had to be the past. This had to be a vision from one of the others, she had never witnessed this before...
'You will all travel the stars and take back what is rightfully ours;and together, we will rid this Verse of those who are unworthy to serve beneath us.'
When had this happened? Who were these new arrivals? What was going to happen next?

The light was so bright when she finally managed to peel her eyes open,only to find herself lying a midst the very same foliage she had been searching through the night before.
What the hell had happened?
Her body ached, her head was pounding, and she couldn't seem to get her stomach to stop turning. The outfit she had worn was torn to shreds, the stains of mud ruining the vibrant colors of purple, blue and green. Pity! Not! Guess, she'd never be able to wear that again, if, in fact, she could wear anything again.
She couldn't feel her toes, her ankles or her legs. She was trying oh so hard, but there was nothing moving save for her wild imagination.What was going on? Why couldn't she move? What had happened? Where was Lync?
There was nothing but silence surrounding her, like the morning after the battle was won, except, she didn't remember any battle. In fact, she didn't remember anything, past introducing tha tasshole to Lyla.
Lyla? Where was her gun?
Where was her ear piece?
Where was Lync? Why hadn't he found her by now?
Oh Gods! Was he hurt? Had he been killed?
Dammit! Why hadn't she just answered him?
This was no place to just lounge around,not when... Well, she had no idea the when, or the who, or even the fucking why, or the situation. And there was that language again!
And why the fuck not? This was obviously, messed up beyond all recognition; she couldn't fucking move! Or could she?
Well she could, if you considered rolling and army crawling, moving!
It wasn't easy, but Navina had managed to roll herself over, only to feel the cool breeze against the wetness dripping down her back.
Fuck, she was bleeding!
She been wounded in... she'd figure out the how, just as soon as she figured out the who, and patched herself up. Again, it wasn't easy trying to hoist one's self up, to assess damage that was just out of eyesight' and hurt like a motherfucker.
Each movement sent a sharp pain through her side, ands he laughed, thankful to feel at least some form of pain. It wasn't all hopeless, but the longer it took her to get back to the manor, to find Lync...
A snap of a twig had her dropping to the ground,her face in the leaves as the foot steps grew closer. Whatever had done this, was still out there...
Her breathing slowed, her heart beat soon followed, and the sounds themselves began to vibrate around her. She wanted to run, she wanted to hide, but she couldn't move; the fear pinning her to the spot just as fiercely as the paralysis that seemed to invade her lower body.
Where was Lync?Where was Kember?
Oh Gods! If something had happened to them...
"You should rest!" A voice called out to her,though she dared not look up. "You are weak, and need to heal!"
She needed more than just time to heal. She had to find her friend, her mate, her....
"You should worry more about your own wounds..." It sounded again, like something she had heard before, but couldn't quite make out. "Please, just rest!"
"Who, are you?" Navina mustered the courage to speak up, but hearing the sound of her own voice, she now feared she was talking to herself.
The female came closer, and Navina could see the darkened creases in her leather shoes. "I have come to help!"
Navina managed to raise her head, looking up at the female before her dressed in armor that shone in the morning light. Long blonde hair and a soft smile, so different from when she had seen her...
"It is you!" She let out a soft gasp, and took in the smile the female offered; watching it grow as the realization sunk in. "You were there, on the battlefield..."
"I have been to many battlefields, though not to visit those who still draw breathe!"
"Then I am not dead?"
"Hardly!" The female laughed.
"Then why are you here?" Navina sighed, "If not to carry me away from this miserable existence, then why?"
"There are many, who have fallen here this night. We come to offer those worthy enough, safe passage. But you, are not one of those souls and I am here to remind you of that!"
"So, I should be grateful then?" It was a legitimate question.
"Your strength will return in time, but you must relax and give it that time that it needs, and give the people around you what they need to help them heal you faster!"
"Says the female who can walk at this very moment, to the one who can't, and may never again!"She rolled her eyes. "Sorry... but how do I help them, help me heal faster?"
"Don't ever apologize for what you are, or what you do! You have great power within your veins, and the mind of one who could control the verse itself. Cherish it, for it may one day be what you need to win the wars ahead." And then she was just, gone.
So much for answers! But then, weren't all hallucinations that way? All cryptic ad mystical like?
'You may one day need it...' Navina heard her voice one last time, before it was replaced by anothers.
"Vina?" The voice was frantic, muffled and full of worry. "Navina?" He shouted again, and she mustered the energy to shout back.
She no longer cared about how much of an ass he had been, she just wanted to see his face and feel his arms around her; maybe get him to carry her...
"Navina! Oh Gods..." He'd found her. "What happened?" He added, dropping to his knees beside her, helping her to roll over so she could rest her head in his lap.
"Funny! I was going to ask you, the same thing!" She let out a sly grin, and felt his lips upon her forehead. "I'm alright, Babe! I swear!"She told him, and let him kiss her again.
"Really!" It was more of a 'fuck you, I'm the boss right now' more than it was a questions; and she wasn't gonna lie, she was so okay with that right about now.
"Well, other than not being able to move my legs..."
"Fuck...." He let out with a huge sigh; and not one of relief either. "When that first bomb went off..."
"The what?"
"Oh it was bad, Vina! There are bodies everywhere, and everyone still alive is claiming that they saw 'warriors with green skin and long black hair...'  They say they came out of nowhere, let of the first of three blasts and leveled the house... When I couldn't find you..." His words were choking up in his throat as his grasp grew tighter.
"I'm fine, Lync!"
"No, you're not!" He growled at her,letting some of his carnal nature come unhinged. "W need to get you back to..."
"Where is Kember? Is she alright?" Navina asked, suddenly wanting to go to her friend more than anything.
Bombs? Attacks? Dead bodies? What kind of a lunatic goes mental on his Ex and blows up a third of an island?
"We need to get you looked at!"
"Lync? Baby?" She took hold of his chin with one hand and looked deep into those gorgeous green eyes that matched her own, "Where, is Kember?" If anything, Gods, anything,had happened to her.
"Kember?" He seemed confused, as if he didn't know who she was, or... "Oh, she's with Mir'Kion."
"She's with who?"
"Mir'Kion! Some detective back at what's left of the house." He stopped short, "She's okay, Vina!We're both, surprisingly, okay!"
Yes, that was odd, but not as insane as the who, what, where and why of the fucking nonsense that made up the past few... What? Hours? Days? She had no clue.
But, hearing that, despite a few scrapes and bruises, Kember would be perfectly fine had the anxiety lowering in her gut.
"What happened?" They asked at the same time.
"You first!" He added in quickly. "Where the fuck, did you go?"
"To check he perimeter!" She replied, closing her eyes for a moment.
"Hey now, no sleeping!" He chuckled, and brushed his fingers against her cheek. "Talk to me, Vina!"
"Who?" She managed to get out, her voice so soft as the fatigue and pain took over.
"From what the others say... Insid!" He sighed.
"Others? Where were you?"
"We thought we seen the Ex by the front gates. By the time we realized it wasn't him, the first blast had gone off and the screaming had started." He was still holding her, lifting her up into his arms as he stood from the ground; carrying her through the trees and back towards the destruction. "Kember went to check on the Party Girl, and I went looking for you and got caught in the second blast..."
"She came to me, the female I told you about! The one from my dream!"Navina smiled, no longer able to re open her eyes.
"I know, Babe! I know! She came to me too!" He smiled at her, not that she could see it; but more, feel it. "Stay awake now, Vina! We're almost there, Baby!"

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