Chapter 19

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This was interesting.
And nerve wracking.
Please, please, please
I held my breath as I held the stick in my shaking hands.
Two months.
I've been married for two months.
Now this.
Its too soon.
"Pet? You okay in there?"
I jumped at the sound of Rick's voice outside the bathroom door.
Well, shit
"I'm fine."
"Pet, don't lie to me."
"Patrick, go away!"
He huffed before opening the door.
I jumped, hiding the stick behind my back as I pressed against the basin.
He stopped, his eyes taking in my appearance; I was in a peach tank top and black boy legs.
"Rick, please, get out."
He walked in, "Pet, you've been acting odd, we can all see it. What's going on?"
I shook my head and stayed silent.
He knew me, knew when I was lying or hiding something.
His eyes changed to their vampire yellow/red and he took a step closer.
He lifted a hand, running his fingers lightly down my arm.
"Still gorgeous."
I sighed, "Rick, stop."
He closed the distance, leaning his hands on either side of me on the basin, his face a few centimetres from mine.
"I've been trying so hard not to love you. Rita knows its you I want. I'm sure Shay knows it too."
I gulped, I couldn't think straight with him this close.
He dropped his head slightly, grazing my jaw with his lips.
I closed my eyes, I needed to stop this.
"I know you still love me, Draccie."
Before I could say anything, his lips met mine in a hungry, desperate kiss, his hands going to the back of my thighs and lifting my legs to wrap around him.
My arms went around his neck and I froze.
The test.
My eyes snapped open.
He frowned at me.
I dropped my feet to the ground and took a step back.
Rick's eyes dropped to my hand, "You're pregnant?"
I shrugged, "I don't know yet."
He snatched the test from me and read it.
The look on his face told me everything I needed to know and my stomach dropped.
"Oh god."
Rick closed his eyes and clenched his jaw, "You're having his baby."
I sunk to the floor with my head in my hands, "I can't believe this."
Rick looked just as distraught by the news as me.
For him, this was like sealing the deal for me and Shayde; nailing the coffin shut on any possibility for him and I.
I was panicked because I was pregnant with a vampire's child.
Was this even safe, a human having a vampire baby?
Would the child even be a vampire?
I had a million questions running through my head.
"Drac... You could... You know."
I looked up as he sat next to me, an unreadable expression on his face.
"Could what?" and then it dawned on me, "No. I can't kill it."
Rick sighed, "Okay. We can raise the child, you and I. Leave Shay. We can go away and raise this child as ours."
I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I never thought I would hear these words coming from Rick's mouth.
He put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer.
I let out a loud sigh and dropped my head to his shoulder.
"We'll get through this, pet."
"What are we getting through?" Asked Rita as she walked in.
She raised a brow at the two of us and sniffed, "Oh," her eyes went wide, "Is it Rick's?"
I jumped to my feet, "What?"
"I can smell it by your hormones. The child inside of you."
My mouth dropped, "Oh god. I won't be able to hide this from Shayde."
Rita rolled her eyes, "So it is Rick's."
"No! Its Shayde's."
"So why would you want to hide it from him?"
I sighed, I couldn't explain this to them, I was married to Shayde.
I'm meant to be happy about this.
So why the hell did I feel so lost and empty.
I couldn't do this, not at this age, I could not be a mother.
Absolutely not.
Not with a vampire.
I realised Rick and Rita were still staring at me.
"Right. Um. I'll tell him. Eventually."
Rita raised a brow, "Really?"
I nodded, "Yes."
"So you're going to tell him? And raise the child with him?" Asked Rick, not hiding the hurt in his voice.
Rita shot him a look, "Obviously. It is his kid."
I sighed and pushed passed them, going into the bedroom Shayde and I share.
They both tried to follow but I shut the door in their faces and locked it, I couldn't deal with them on top of everything else.
Letting out a loud sigh I flopped back onto the huge bed.
Staring at the ceiling, I placed a hand on my flawless flat stomach and sighed; there was something inside there.
Something alive and growing.
Another human being.
Wait, is it a human?
Now that had me confused.
Letting out yet another sigh, I sat up and looked around the room, I seriously needed to keep myself busy.
Getting to my feet I put on a pair of denim cut offs before moving the bed.
I had a perfect idea, rearrange the bedroom, paint some walls.
This would certainly keep me busy, and keep my mind from the pregnancy.
I huffed, my hair was hanging in messy tendrils, I had just finished putting the last of the furniture back in place.
I had painted our bedroom a deep magenta.
The living room was now a dark beige; the kitchen was a homely black and white; the bathrooms were baby blue; the toilets a sunny yellow; the spare bedrooms ranged from indigo, light green, deep maroon to gold and brown.
One room I had made an exotic looking colour of gold and green.
That would be our nursery.
Much to Ricks annoyance, Rita had brought in an antique rocking chair.
She and I sat on the floor in the nursery, she with a glass of blood and me with a glass of cranberry juice.
"Love what you did with the house, babe."
I jumped as Shayde walked in.
He paused as he took in the room.
I bit my lip nervously as he inhaled and turned to me with wide eyes.
"You're pregnant."
It wasn't a question, it was a statement.
He knew.
I couldn't help but wonder just how long he had actually known.
A smiled played on his lips, "How do you feel about this?"
Rita stood, "I'm gonna give you two some space."
I waited for her to walk out before getting to my feet, "I don't know. Its... New."
"I knew before you did. I wanted to give you space to decide what you want to do."
I closed the distance between us and wrapped my arms around his neck, "This morning, I wanted to run away. But this baby is real and I'm going to be a mom, I just hope I'm a good one."
Shayde grinned at me and placed a soft kiss on my lips.
I sighed, "Also, Rita and Rick need to move out."

Well, well, well.
That was interesting I hope!
Let me know what you all think please

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