Night 3

343 18 1

Rael didn't know wether to feel overjoyed or sick.
But he pushed aside any feeling he could have and focused on the one in knew he had, that one feeling being an overwhelming sense of concern and worry.
Upon closer inspection Regis looked bad. Worse than Rael thought possible for a noble, which was another reason why he was worried, it'd been a week hadn't it? Regis should be at least a little healed if he had been here the entire time. Rael really just wanted to shake Regis and tell him to wake up but the better part of his mind decided that might actually kill him.
Rael quickly checked to make sure Regis was indeed breathing and checked his pulse. When confirming he was still alive he took off his suit jacket and wrapped it around his shoulders, hiding as much of the bloody mess that was left of his friend as much as possible. He then carefully hoisted Regis onto his back making sure the jacket was still in place and that Regis's head was nestled against his shoulder hiding his bruised and cut face from view as well as most of his head. Rael made his way slowly out of the forest and back onto the sidewalk trying to to jostle Regis and cause further harm than necessary. He began walking back the way he had come at an achingly slow pace, as much as he wanted to just run as fast as possible back to the house to Frankenstein to see what the hell was wrong with Regis, he really couldn't risk hurting him any more. He was so focused on his walking he didn't notice that the children had appeared down the sidewalk until they had spotted him and called out.
Rael's head shot up and he stared at the children who were only a few feet away.
"Rael, is that Regis? Wasn't he at his grandpas?" Shinwoo nearly shouted from his spot next to Yuna.
"Yeah Tao told us he wouldn't be back for awhile...whys he on your back? Oh my god is he hurt?!" Ikhan suddenly inquired.
Rael really just wanted to wipe their minds and continue walking to the house but he instead kept walking and spun a quick story to hold them off as well as get their help.
"Regis ended up coming home early but it seems he got a bit lost and fell pretty bad, it's not life threatening don't worry he's just a little scratched up, but it seems the whole experience really tired him out. If possible could one of you contact Frankenstein and tell him we need his assistance?"
Ikhan nodded and pulled out his phone typing in numbers at an alarming pace, it seems he didn't buy the everything's alright part and only heard 'call Frankenstein we need help' part. From the looks of it none of the children bought it, but if it got Regis home faster Rael couldn't bring himself to care.
"Rai? Nevermind it's an emergency! We need someone over here fast! Regis is real hurt! I'm with Shinwoo and Yuna and we just ran into Rael and Regis. Oh! And we're on the sidewalk we take to get to the forest park place! Please hurry!"
Rael could only halfway listen to the conversation Ikhan had on the phone as he snapped his head to look at Regis who had suddenly seemed to have trouble breathing. Shinwoo must have seen his panic because he seemed to take notice.
"Rael! Lay him on the ground leaned against something!"
Rael did what he was told in a sort of mindless haze subconsciously leaning Regis up against his own body so that he was situated more in Rael's lap, the jacket draped over the worst of his wound so the children wouldn't see but even from what you could see... Regis didn't look good.
"Oh my god.." Yuna breathed in and her eyes started watering as Regis continued to struggle for air. Rael mind acted fast as he remembered something like this happening in the past with Regis. He raised his hand and leaned Regis forward before hitting his back in one hard single stroke.
Regis suddenly room in a huge breath and coughed loudly and hoarsely, blood coming up in horrible spatters on the pavement.
Rael breathed a sigh of relief and leaned Regis back against him to see his face as well as get a better look at just how much blood he had coughed up. The children had begun to panic however.
"You call that okay?! Rael what happened?!" Shinwoo was yelling as he stood in front of a crying Yuna and Ikhan. All the stress hit Rael and before he could stop himself or get angry he whispered,"I.. I don't know..he..he.." Rael's eyes welled up and his voice shook but he couldn't put together an explanation for Shinwoo so he opted to squeeze Regis a little tighter and close his eyes. What was he supposed to say? 'Oh it's nothing I just found good old Regis dying propped up against a tree no big deal! You know Regis! Always getting himself killed!' Then themed laugh and call it night hey see you at school tomorrow! But before any more harm could be done a car came up and out came the entire Frankenstein Household. Tao, Takeo, and M-21 had a stretcher and were immediately by Regis looking both relived and worried, if they though he looked bad now wait until they saw underneath the jacket and away from what Rael was doing his best to hide from the children. Normally he would have been angry but he found himself so relived to see them that he almost didn't notice them try and remove the jacket and carry him onto the stretcher but he did. He quickly pulled the jacket back up and stared wide eyed at the three of them as they stared back.
"Rael, we have to get him home." M-21 stated through gritted teeth. Rael would have come back with a witty retort but he instead managed with a glance to the children then to the jacket on Regis's chest then back to them. They seemed to get it as they suddenly looked horrified back at Regis as if they couldn't imagine anything could possibly be worse than what was visible already. The rest passed in a blur Rai and Seira trying to calm the children as they were loaded into the car and driven back to the house finally. Rael refusing to sit anywhere other than next to Regis and unable to answer any off their questions at the moment opting to make sure Regis kept breathing the entire way home. Praying, that he would wake up.

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