Night 1

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Regis walked into his room slightly wary of what he would find. He was expecting to be yelled at but when he looked inside all he saw was a tired Rael face first in his pillow shirt on the ground next to the bed and pants somewhere unknown. Rael curled himself around Regis's pillow and patted the space next to him, urging Regis to go onto the bed. Regis sighed but took off his jacket and pants, deciding to keep his shirt on. As soon as Regis climbed into his bed he snatched his pillow from Rael and put it into its original position, resting his head on it. Rael seemed irked by the sudden removal of the pillow but made no move to retrieve it, instead wrapping his arms around Regis and putting his head on the pillow, their faces only centimeters apart. Regis seemed taken aback but snuggled his face into the crook of Rael's neck, hoping to avoid eye contact but only succeeding in making it a little more intimate. Rael didn't seem to mind though and squeezed Regis a little tighter both of them falling asleep almost immediately after getting comfortable.

The next morning was a day off from school so Regis didn't have to get up extremely early but it meant the children would probably come over all day today which was going to cause them to have to get up. Rael opened his eyes first to see the sun streaming through the window and straight into his eyes, he looked down squinting only to see a head of white with a single black stripe down either side still curled up next to him. Rael's sudden movement caused Regis to open his eyes just a crack and he saw another red eye staring right back at him causing him to jump up suddenly. Regis took a moment to take in his surroundings and recall what had happened last night and making sure it was indeed Rael and not some weird person in his bed, not that Rael in his bed wasn't weird. Upon confirming it was indeed Rael he flopped back down onto the bed and heaved a deep sigh, he had only meant to close his eyes for a second but soon found himself back asleep. Rael had watched Regis pop up sit for a second looking around the room then suddenly sit back down sigh and go back to sleep; it was quite the speculation but he was glad he wasn't immediately kicked out of the room and settled back next to Regis hoping to catch a few more moments of sleep.

As suspected the children did come by and barged right into the house expecting to be greeted by all their friends only to find Regis missing along with Rael which Shinwoo had deemed the forever pissed suitor. Or FPS for short, pronounced fuh-pss. Ikhan asked Seira if she had seen him today and she replied that she didn't think he had gotten up this morning and to ask Tao. Tao said that he hadn't seen him all morning but that last night Rael had a bit of a fight and Regis had calmed him down, he didn't know where they were now. Rai said he would go get them and made his way to Regis's room opening the door he saw the two of them snuggled up close together sound asleep. He thought about just leaving them there but didn't want them to be caught by Shinwoo barging in the room so he made his way to the side of the bed and gently poked the side a Regis's face. Regis woke up and stared at Rai for a moment before realizing the children were in the living room. He thanked Rai for waking him and Rai left to tell the children Regis would be out in a moment. He took a moment to realize why Rai had seemed to be looking past him while he spoke, Rael was still in his bed, that hadn't been some weird exhaustion driven hallucination. Regis quickly got up and dressed, he also took a moment to try and splash the blush that covered his cheeks off his face, succeeding for the most part returning to his regular pale complexion. He looked back to his bed to see Rael yet again face first in his pillow. He decided to gather up the clothes strewn around the room and fold them neatly so Rael could find them. He looked up from his work to see Rael only inches away so he went over to the side of the bed, leaned down and gently put his lips on the back a Rael's head before the blush returned from before and he rushed out the door to greet the children, he only hoped Rael would wake up by himself.

Rael, apparently, was a light sleeper and had woken when Rai opened the door and had been content listening to Regis rush around the room preparing for the day instead of rising. True he had started drifting off but he had taken notice when Regis had stopped next to the bed, hoping he wouldn't be kicked out of bed he continued to pretend to be asleep but his mirage almost broke when the boy had leaned down and kissed his head. Luckily he had managed to keep himself calm until Regis left the room. When the door clicked shut, Rael put a hand to the back of his head his thoughts going a mile a minute as his face continued to turn different shades of red. Why was he blushing? Why did he think Regis was cute suddenly?

In case you didn't know, i ship this.


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