Oh no my bro

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     A week

A week had gone by

No sign from Regis

No one seemed to be speaking in the house when the children were not there.
They kept up the appearance of everything was fine when they were around excusing it as 'oh Regis went to visit his grandfather' but as soon as they left the silence returned.
Rael was rarely at the house as he was constantly searching the city not even knowing if Regis was even in the same country anymore. For all they know he could have been taken away and be being tortured at the very moment.
Although these thoughts went through their heads they kept them to themselves hoping to keep up any semblance of 'oh it's fine' going as long as possible.
The house was solemn and they were beginning to think they would never see the small noble ever again.

It took Rael approximately 1 week and 13 hours to find Regis. Although sometimes he wished he hadn't.

Rael had all but lost hope as he tore through the forest near the park. Tears threatened to spill from his eyes as he stopped and fell to his knees. He held his face in his hands and all but sobbed when he heard the faint sound of someone breathing. He shot up and listened closer, the breathing sounded close but far too ragged and far too harsh. He saw a small trail of dried blood and followed it to a tree where he found a small body leaned against the tree flesh torn to bits and clothes all but tattered remains. His eyes were closed and head down but Rael would recognize that hair anywhere.
It was almost complete silent and all Rael could hear was the ragged breath of his friend and his own beating heart as he whispered out.


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