Chapter 1

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Not yet edited.Plz look over my mistakes and grammar errors


Mommy mommy mommy


Yes love"

I want to go to kalya party. She's my friend at school and EVERYBODY is going. Please mommy please Wit an cheery on top"

Issy couldn't say no to Maddie, not even the grumpiest giant with an stomach virus can say no to an little brown eye with two long pony tiles in a puffy toto making puppy dog eyes.

Okay, you can go only if we can going shopping then out for ice cream."

Yes, yes Yes, definitely the ice cream"


Do you like this one or this one"

Mhmm, I like the bule one....... But I also like the pink one too...ugh. Mommy I can't choose"

You have to. One or the other

Shopping with Issy and Maddie is always nothing but what they like and what they really really like.

Mommy look at that bike. It's so pretty. Can I get one like that."

Maddelein we're here for your party outfit not a bike..... Next time okay."

But mommy I want it" Maddie said pulling Issy towards the bike."And I said no."

"But why not, I'm the only one who don't know how to ride one." Issy counted to three making her not give in to stop what she was doing and buying the bike..."Maddelein Star Books... I said next time.. Now let's go." Maddie folded her arms but listened.. but not after saying ..."You never let me do anything"

Issy knew that it was just an bike and she can get it for her but one of Maddie teachers said that she to use to getting her ways and in school she crying and fuss when she doesn't. Issy didn't see anything wrong about her with getting things that she wanted, but then again if Maddie keep acting like an. Spoiled Bart her teachers would soon seen her as an "bad kid". Issy wasn't the only child when she was younger but her and her sister and brother always got what they wanted and more. All so was doing was trying to be like her mother.


After that melt down at the mall Maddie and Issy thought It was time to go home. They was now sitting down on Issy bed.

What haven't my daddy come to see me.". Issy wasnt expecting that"What"she ask thinking she heard wrong.

"My dad, why haven't he come and say hi to me or happy birthday."

Well.... Mhmm he... You....."

Issy thought that Maddie had forgot about the hole dad thing. But yet she realize that her daughter still don't know whom her father is. Issy and Mathew have been talking but not once did she bring up that they both are parents. He tried and tried to make dates and hang out with her but she always found away out of their plans. Was it because of that fact that she had the biggest thing hiding form him and her parents, or that fact that he was the one to push her away when she needed him the most.Why was Issy not telling him about his own daughter. Maybe just maybe she would try and tell him. Would he stay and make up for the days lost or would he pull the same line and act and push them both away for the second time.

Maddelein ➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️

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