Car Trip

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p.s. listen to the song

I'm driving around in my car

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I'm driving around in my car

I'm driving too fast

I'm driving too far

Another one of my dad's oldies song played throughout the car. It was no use groaning; he's not going to change it. Though we complain, we didn't really mind it. It was an insight into his younger years, before we, my brother and me, were born.

My older sisters were already running around in the world by then. Thus, I could hear the soft, lazy melody being hummed lowly from them. My dad joined in whistling, and started singing as well.

I could see the reflection of my mum smiling tenderly, gently resting her head against the window. My sisters silently mouthed the words to the song and it slowly became louder. I was grinning foolishly, and hid my face in my oldest sister's shoulder.

Pretending to fall asleep.

Wanting the feeling of my throbbing heart to last.

I couldn't carry on acting, so I lifted my head to gaze out the front window, my face graced with a carefree smile. The sun blinded me, and I squinted at it, challenging it. The blazing glare was gone as the car glided smoothly downhill, but I like to believe that I made it went away.

It was magnificent looking up, the glittering royal blue ocean opposing the cerulean sky, yet blending with the cluster of moss green hills adorned with a range of buildings. Different coloured cars and houses passed by us and they get smaller as they get further away.

The scene slowly disappeared as we reached the bottom of the hill; nevertheless it was forever etched in my brain. The car came to a speed bump, allowing the rough yet comforting texture of the car seats to graze my under thigh. The cold air of July delicately caressed my face, coming in through my dad's window and escaping out my mum's.

Yesterday, you told me 'bout the blue blue sky

And all that I can see

And all that I can see

And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree

The song came to an end, leaving the same way as the wind.

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