"Did you like dump me or something?" Kai asks me curiously. He's probably wondering why I haven't contacted him since the night I got in the fight with my father. I don't know why I haven't talked to him, I just didn't want him getting involved in this and making the situation worse. I just walk towards him and wrap my arms around him tightly, catching him off guard as I just let out a deep sigh as I continue squeezing him.

"No. No I didn't dump you... I promise." I say with a laugh as I pull away from him and look into his eyes again.

"Then what's going on with you, tribrid? I mean, I know Doug just died and everything but I'm getting better with my emotions so you can talk to me." Kai says as he rests his hands on my face as a tear escapes from it.

"My parents.... They found out about us." I say to him timidly as I keep my hands on his stomach. Kai's eyes go wide at my confession.

"What? Your parents found out? How did this happen? Did you tell them??" Kai asks me almost aggravated with me thinking I snitched.

"No I didn't. The found pictures of us in my room..." I tell him truthfully. "And I tried to explain to them that you're not bad guy and that it's not just sex anymore. It's something so much deeper and--" I try to keep explaining but Kai just cuts me off with a kiss, sucking all of the air from my lungs with his lips on mine. Kai pulls away from me with a smirk on his face as he looks into my eyes.

"Listen, neither of them have tried to kill me yet so I'm assuming that they love you enough to accept me... I don't have to do the things I used to do because now I have you and you make me insanely happy. It's all out in the open, babe. So let's try and enjoy it." Kai says with a carefree attitude about the situation.

"Well... My mom is more accepting. My dad, when he found out he flipped. He struck me and then he went out and he killed Doug!" I say to Kai as tears continue to prick my eyes. Kai's face changes from happy to a bit disgruntled. "My mom, she kicked him out. He's gone and I don't know when he's coming back and it's my fault. I ruined my parents marriage because of the fact that I fell in love with you. I can't help but feel this guilty ball in my stomach that makes me want to throw up every time I think about it." I say extremely distressed.

"Stop punishing yourself for being happy. Don't apologize for loving me and don't feel guilty for something that isn't your fault. Like I said, I just want to enjoy this with you. I want to hold your hand, and I want to hug and kiss you in front of everyone. I spent the majority of my life unloved and hated by so many people, and now that I am loved, I want to be able to show it off." Kai says as he leans in and presses another kiss to my lips. I feel the prickles of his facial hair on my palms as we deepen kiss, making a smile go across my face. We pull away and breathe for a second.

"You grew out your facial hair... I like it." I say to him as I bite my lip.

"God dammit, tribrid. If I could make love to you right here I would. That's how damn happy I am. No more hiding..." Kai breathes out as he keeps his hands firmly on my waist. I look at him and nod my head.

"No more hiding." I whisper back as I place a kiss on his cheek, making him smile. Kai leans in and kisses me one last time, making me smile against his lips as I entangle my fingers into his hair. We pull away again and Kai looks past me and sets his eyes on something.

"I'm going to go say hi." Kai says as I turn around and see that he is looking at my mom and Uncle.

"Kai!" I squeal as he begins walking fast towards them. My mom and uncle sees Kai walking towards them and me chasing him, trying to get him to stop.

"Hi, Mrs. Gilbert-Mikaelson?" Kai asks my mom as she just looks at him with her sharp hazel eyes. My uncle Elijah stands behind my mom, staring daggers at Kai. But I can tell that he's waiting to see how my mom reacts before he takes any action. My mother just looks at him pained.

Loving Hope (Third book to The Little Wolf series)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu