Chapter Two- The Plan

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"... The infected have developed, again, this time they appear to be showing intelligence, " Dean explains to the group, scanning over their faces. Mixtures of shock, Disbelief and sadness is what he see's. Dean look's at charlie.

"Charlie, Please explain further," Charlies nods and gives over a weak smile. It is clear she feel's pressured, but also down because she feel's she is letting everyone down by giving such bad news. She takes a deep breath to steady herself.

" I have been monitoring the CCTV around the outer fence posting, Today, like everyday, the infected showed bashing in the fencing. However, they formed a sort of group and managed to climb over the fencing, and into the further away area of the camp site, There was only five of them and some were taken out by the small land mines Dean put in last week," The group all nod in understanding. Many have similar thoughts. How? How has it developed? Why? wasn't bad enough as it was?

"further more, tomorrow's run plan has changed now. We will be taking the truck, and grabbing all we can find. I shall call a vote for this, but i feel as many hands as we can get should go on the run tomorrow and not just the usual gang. We would separate into two's or three's, each pair having there own task to get resources. example, me and Cas would work immunization were as Kevin and Charlie food. We also will begin stricter ration rules. The plan once we are back is to set up more defense posts around the out post fencing and have people manning them." Dean explains to the group.

" How dangerous is the mission tomorrow now then? with this new found information?" Lucifer asks, making everyone turn to face him at his sudden question. But everyone is equally interested in the answer. Dean gives Charlie a look saying he'll answer that one.

"As with any run there is risks, but now they are showing us signs of intelligence, it is a whole lot more dangerous, but we need to do it, the longer we wait, the more risk we put ourselves in," Dean answers, not bothering to sugar coat. Why would he?

"why the truck though? couldn't the cars hold enough?" Lucifer asks again. Again, people listen eagerly for an answer. Plus, the cars do move a lot faster.

" It's in our best interests to stay together luci," Cas says, annoyance dripping from his tongue, knowing that Lucifer is deliberately being difficult.
"But why?"

"Because it will be easier to protect ourselves and fight then if we were split up, less chance of deaths,"Cas snaps at his brother, who just leans further back into his chair. Dean sighs, running his fingers through his hair, feeling all the stress.

"I like it no more than you, but we have to be logical about this," Dean argues

"Logical? Logical would be killing us all now and quickly and you know it dean!" Anna snaps, before storming out the meeting hut, she has always been dramatic at the best of times so everyone just ignores her. She has been acting this way ever since her mother died.

"Well, i don't think we have much choice in this, Dean and Charlie are right, this is really the only logical way," Pipes up chuck, and all heads start to nod in synchronized agreement.
"Thank you, chuck. " Dean pauses, planning his next words.

"I would like Sam and charlie, now if you can, plan the groups and routes for tomorrow, while we are all still here," Sam and Charlie both nod before going to a back table, quick mutters and notes being taken between them. The air in the room is uptight and anxious. No one likes the news given to them but they all know they have no choice but to except it as fact, and just move on. As hard as this will get, Everyone knows they have each other.

"As for the infected that are in the outskirts of the camp, Me and Cas can take one of the smaller cars out soon and get them, and if there is no signs of danger, do a quick check of the outer post fences. We will take a Flashlight, and a silenced riffle to do so," Dean explains, giving Cas a quick glance to see if he is alright with this. Cas sighs heavily to himself.It's dark and that makes what they are doing even more dangerous, but he nods at Dean anyway. He almost feel's like he can't say no to dean, which is stupid, of course he can. But he has this sense of disappointing dean that he can't seem to shake.

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