Chapter One- A New Danger

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Dean took a deep breath and sighed, kicking an small stone underneath his foot. He looked across the small camp him and his friends had set up in order to stay safe, he will be going with five others to the other side of town tomorrow for food, gas and other supplies needed around the camp. Before each run, Dean always goes onto the water towers platform and looks across at what it is he has, and takes it in, mentally thanking any god that may exist. This almost ritual started after his dad had taken him here to just watch the sunset, just before he died. Dean has come up here ever since. 

It was a beautiful view of the land they had to claim as there own, and the main town was a small gathering of shadow on the horizon.  For such a dangerous county, it was absolutely beautiful. Dean was just grateful to still have this kind of a view.

From up here you can see Charlie and her little brother, Kevin's, hut. They are the brains on this time, making valuable calculations and monitor any behavior changes the infected make.  Also both massive nerds. But they are highly respected and loved by everyone at the camp. Next to them is Dean's and his little brother Sammy's hut, Dean knows his way around any car or weapon, He personally maintains each one. Sam has the only working computer and radio on the sight, and uses this for communications and maps. Across the yard is Cas's family house. They got the house because it's a big family, and everyone wanted to keep them together. There is Cas, his little brother Gabriel, older brothers Micheal and Lucifer and their sister Anna. Chuck, there father, also lived with them. Each member has there own set of skills, Cas works well with dean on the car's and weapons, Micheal and Anna prepare all the food. Lucifer and Chuck keep everything clean and do what little research they can on the virus. And Gabe 'helps' Sam.

The going out team consists of Dean and Cas, Charlie, Chuck and Micheal and Sam tags along on occasion, only if Dean allows it however.  Which is rare, Because he hates to put Sam in any sort of danger. He loves his little brother and doesn't know how he would possibly cope if he lost him, especially the way he lost his dad. 

Dean takes his last deep breath of air, taking in the view for maybe the last time as the sun sets behind the huts, and begins his descend from the water tower, where Cas is waiting at the bottom for him, a cigarette hanging loose in his mouth. Whenever Dean goes up there, Cas waits patiently at the bottom for him, Like he did the day before John regrettably died. Everything on the camp changed dramatically when the group john went out with didn't return. it broke everyone's heart's.

"Those thing's will kill you Cas," dean says quietly, cas turns his head to face dean, taking the cigarette from his lips and stubbing it out. He knows Dean hates his habit, but it helps to keep his stress levels manageable, and why not really? what has he really got to live for? The knowledge of this dying world? knowing he will die either due to the virus or putting a bullet in his own head?
"I'd rather these kill me than those things dean," Cas's voice shows little emotion, but he smiles weakly at dean. His best friend of many years, They met before any of this started, were separated, but managed to find each other again. It was a miracle they did. 

"Common, Sammy is waiting for you in the hut, It's almost dark," Cas reminds Dean. Dean makes a short grunting noise as an understanding, his hand loosely plays with the amulet around his neck. It was given to him by Sammy, and he hasn't taken it off since. In times of danger on a run dean will always hold it, giving it a little kiss, wishing Sammy a safe future if he dies out there.

"Do you think this will ever be over?" Dean asks suddenly, making his friend stop dead in his tracks. Cas swallows hard. Dean doesn't normally say these things, but sometimes he Can't help it, They just come out.

"I-I Don't know, If a cure maybe?" he suggests weakly, dean bows his head, shaking it.

"Sammy needs better," he mutters. Cas doesn't question this. He just nods. 

The End Of Times (Destiel AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن