LCD Part 1

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You sat backstage nervously figiting with the hem of your skirt. You had been an actress for years now but interviews still made you nervous. The only time you were comfortable around the spotlight is when you were acting.

"We will be ready in 5" a staff member said peeking his head into your dressing room.

"Thank you" you replied checking yourself one last time.

You stand behind the curtain waiting to be called on to the stage.

"Are you nervous?" You hear a deep familiar voice say to you.

You turn around to see namjoon, a rapper who was in the same company as you.

"Little bit" you say giving him a friendly laugh.

"Really? I didnt expect you to say yes. You dont seem nervous in the dramas." He said looking down and chuckling.

"Haha its different when im acting. Bre doesnt exist when im playing another character- wait you watch my dramas?" You asked. He didnt seem like the type to watch dramas.

"Haha my sister loves you."

"Ah..i see. She will be pretty upset if she finds out you didnt get her a autograph."

"Uh..did you just read my mind?" Namjoon asked putting on a playful shocked face.

"Haha i know what its like. I can sign a autograph for you after were all done here."

"Thanks" he says letting out a breath and wiping off imaginary  sweat.


"Everyones really excited about this new drama but we all really want to know about you and Justin?"  The show host asked you

"Oh.." You nervously chuckled

"When is the wedding?"

"Uh..we havent set a date yet." You anwered

"Is the wedding going to be private?"

"I would prefer a private wedding, it may be photographers and videographers only" you say starting to play with the him of your skirt again.

"Private? Who would want to have a private wedding when the man your marrying is Justin Park."

"I dont know i just prefer to be out of the spotlight sometimes. Im not a big fan of drama off screen."

"Okay! Well that is all the time we have for today so we want to thank Bre for coming and Namjoon for preforming."

You exit the stage as everyone claps.

You let out the breath you were holding in every since justin became the topic.

"You okay?" Namjoon asks as soon as you enter his presense

"Oh yes. Im fine thank you."

You pick up a pin and paper that was laying on the table. You ask him for his sisters name before scribbling thank you. Just give him the autograph and go.

"Oh i forgot about that." He says taking the autograph, folding it nicely and placing it in his pocket.

"Well i have to go." You say smiling at him and walking away.

After the interview you were a bit drained and really wanted to get home and get in the bed.

You take out your phone to find out where your driver was because you had been waiting outside for 10 minutes. Instead you were met with a text message from your fiance. Im not a bitch or anything but i shouldnt have to wait 10 minutes for a driver.

Lights,Camera,Drama (Namjoon Short Series)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon