Chapter 1

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"Your so dead, watch when your dad finds out that your speaking to.. him" she shudders and rolls her eyes.

"Don't worry darling, my father didn't allow me to have an input on him speaking to your mother so i would declare this as.. NONE of his damn business, ciao" I smiled leaving her the demon spawn speechless.

You're probably thinking she hasn't even given an intro, into what her name is and what that whole two sentence sassy conversation was about. Well my names Sophia and I've just come to live with my dad for the summer, who is newly married to the demon spawns mother, unfortunately making her my *shudders* step-sister.

The boy that my father and his 'new' family don't want me around is Malakai but as much as i've tried to stay away its just inevitable, he lures me in, i love mysteries and adventures and Malakai is mysterious and adventurous, how can i possibly stay away?!

Devil spawns mother DEVLIN ( notice how if you took the N out and switched the I and L around it spells ........ DEVIL.)   

You may think that im  bashing Devlin and Tori(Demon Spawn) due the fact that its a normal reaction for kids to hate their stepmothers, stepfathers, stepsisters/brothers, but believe me when i say this is not the case. They've changed my father, i was always a daddy's girl even after him and my mother divorced but since Devlin and Tori came along its like i dont exist or my father just simply despises me  maybe its the jealousy i sometimes feel when he bonds with Tori but the more Tori hates me, the more he looks for her approval and hates me also.

But seriously what have i done that is so wrong???? apart from be myself which is what my father has always told me to do, no matter how much people hate it, well this is me being myself and father does not agree. Him and Devlin think they can pick and choose who i socialise with well HELL TO THE NO.

This used to be my favourite part of summer, spending it with daddy-o, don't get me wrong. All his past girlfriends have never had a problem with me, in fact we got on more than me and my mother probably do, i think the hate for Devlin has actually brought me and my mother closer by the way i forgot to mention my mother and Devlin have had an ongoing rivalry for years, my mothers given up, Devlin did get the last laugh when my dad was going to propose to her, she tried to make my mother think that her ex- husband, my father still madly loved her. Horrible cow, she made my mother happy for the whole get together until my father decided to propose to DEVLIN urgh, kill me please, i beg of you good lord.

I actually will never forget the hurt look on my mothers face, i have never seen her like that, shes always usually so happy and strong and that day tore my mother apart and she flew back home to LA.

Anyways, since the wedding only happened three months before summer, i was up here for that and thats when i first met, Malakai, he was nice and shy, but a mysterious kind of shy. we got talking and before they exchanged vows Malakai took me to some big rock where he gave me a kiss. Yes, im calling it the kissing rock, or maybe Malakai does that all the time but i dont even care because it was the best 20 seconds of my entire life.

-Next Morning-

My mother is here? This makes zilch sense, i don't have to get out of bed to know my mother makes the best pancakes and i can smell them. Mm


I run downstairs and see both my mother and Devlin arguing.

"Ladies. Calm down." Father says effortlessly.

"Mum!" I shout. And they all turn to look at me.

"Hello sweetie, you okay?" She hugs me and kisses my forehead.

"Did you tell your mother to come here?" Devlin interrogates me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2018 ⏰

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