Chapter 18: Unravel

Start from the beginning

      I screamed out in pure rage as I slumped down on the ground, sobs escaping my throat and my hand grasped my air as I shut my eyes from the hopelessness I felt.

      I've been wondering... Why... Why did it have to happen to me. Why did I have to suffer this agony. The pain was excruciating... killing me slowly. It was pure torment and every passing day only made it worse

      Everything that have happened. All of this... why?

      My chest hurts... I couldn't breathe... I couldn't accept my fate... I couldn't accept what they did to me, why this happened to me and everything else around me. I can't...

      "Cyan!" I heard a voice call out my name as I opened my eyes, my vision blurred because of the tears in my eyes. But that voice... I couldn't mistake it at all, it's too familiar for me to forget at all.

       "Stop crying you jerk!" the second ranker scolded me as he stood before me and I forced out a chuckle a little when I remembered just how much Muriel loves to call the first ranker just that.

       Sitting down on the ground, I looked up at him as I tried to wipe away my tears but they won't stop falling at all.

      "W-Why? Why won't they just stop?" I asked as I used the back of my hand to wipe away the tears that kept streaming down my face. I felt pathetic... Crying in front of an eleven year old kid? It was beyond pathetic.

      "I'm sorry Rex, I'm sorry if you have to see me like this, just wait a moment." I tried to laugh as I buried my face on my hands but sobs only escaped my throat as my hands soon became wet with tears just the same.

       "Idiot." Was all I heard from the second ranker before I felt arms wrap around me and I looked up, seeing him hugging me tightly as he knelt in front of me and gently pulled me in a warm embrace.

       "Stop. Just stop crying.." He pleaded and I turned as I saw tears streaming down his face, his eyes closed and pain etched on his face but a bitter smile pasted on his lips as his hug tightened but my tears only fell down more.

        Why?...Why does he always cry with me every time he sees me like that? Why is that pained smile always on his lips when we're alone? And why......

       Why does that pained smile... pains me more?


       My eyes fluttered open as I blinked but only saw darkness as I forcefully widened my eyes to their limit, remembering a second later everything that had happened, I noticed that I was still holding on to the Prince's hand, and that we were basically floating in mid-air because I couldn't feel anything above or below us.

      "Prince Janus! Are you alright?" I asked out as I struggled to kneel at his side, glaring off into the darkness and cursing because of my incapability to summon fire just like my brother.

       "Kevin! Leirum! Where are you?!" I shouted out, calling into the darkness and hoping that they might answer back. But remembering that it was only me and the prince who got enveloped by the black sphere earlier, I grimaced.

      Wow. Just wow. So basically, I'm trapped here in the darkness with a prince who is slowly and sooner or later completely turn into a demon. Just wow. My eyes adjusted to the dark and I can only faintly define some of his features.

      I turned to look at the prince when he groaned and his eyes opened... All black, his iris a bloody red color with menacing slits like a cats as he bared his sharp fangs at me and I immediately backed away, floating in mid-air as he started to rise, his almost all black wings spread behind him and he floated forward.

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