Little words, swears and definitions

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Ok this chapter  has some things that doms may not like so if you dont want your little to learn how to swear in little space make sure they dont read after the warning and I will divide this all up.


Otay= ok

ni ni= night

Baba= bottle

Paci PA papa = pacifier

Sippy= sippy cup

Milky or miwky = self explanatory

Cwib= bed/crib

Tank wou or tank oo or tank chu tankies etc = thank you

Reawwy= really

Wuv= love

Sissy or bubby= sister or brother

nu= no

bu= but

uppy= pick me up

rawr= I'm a cute Dino fear me

Fluff= f word

Shiz (stolen form victorious) =s word aka crap

Sorry if that's a disappointment but that's all I can think of right now

A. N~
Ok so I've been checking how many people have read my book and voted and it's 10 votes and 460 reads! that is blowing my mind and excided all of my expectations! So thank you to everyone who has read my book and voted! I love all of you! Also I need a idea for my next chapter so comment ideas please.

~ Princess May

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