Secret Gay Society Initiation ~ Chapter 2

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After pancakes, the four had gathered their things to head to Elise's Grandma's house. She was out of town for a few days. This wasn't the permanent meet up place, but it was for that day.

The car would have been silent if it weren't for the two girls in the front seats singing their hearts out to the radio. Josh and Landon sat in the back seat and cringing every once in a while when they would attempt a high note.

Elise was driving without a license again. The boys were secretly hoping that she wouldn't be pulled over. The last time she got a bunch of community service.

Elise turned into her Grandma's drive way and turned off the car. There were a few other cars spaced out. The four filed out and the girls lead the guys into the house. There were many of the people from the party last night plus a few more scattered around the living room. They were snacking and chatting waiting on their leaders.

"Welcome the two new gays!" Elise cheered catching the attention of everyone. Cheers soon followed making the male couple blush. Elise then swung Kylee in a lazy circle before giving her a quick kiss. There was a bit more whooping before everything settled down.

"Alright, so. These two new comers are Josh and Landon. Make them feel like family. Most of you already know them, but still. Heh. They were spotted by a homophobe. The Homophobe. Lane. So. We need to make them feel better because he was unkind to them," Kylee began a speech that was interrupted by her girlfriend.

"THEY NOW HAVE TO DO THE INITIATION!" Elise yelled in excitement.

"I-Initiation?" Landon slightly stuttered out taking a small step closer to his boyfriend.

"Yup," Elise gave a small laugh.

"We weren't told about an initiation ," Josh held a firm voice even though he was slightly terrified of what they might be forced to do.

"Don't be scared. You only have to kiss each other while everyone watches," Kylee smiled kindly at the boys.

Landon and josh looked at each other nervously. It was simple and easy when they were by themselves, but hard now. They slowly got closer.

"Come on and kiss already!" Someone shouted from the crowd of waiting people. The initiation was more to finalize that they were actually gay. It was a way to keep the straights from trying to enter and gain information. It was just a high school group, but they did have dirt on a bunch of kids.

Josh and Landon just rushed to get it over with and there were cheers erupting as they kissed.  They pulled apart while blushing. They were almost instantly welcomed into the crowd of secret gays. A party soon ensued and one of the older teens brought a small bit of alcohol and it was quickly dispersed for a drinking game.

It was something along the lines of take a shot for each person of the same sex that you have kissed. For most it was harmless, but a select few got a bit woozy. Kylee and Elise soon left their organization to party and went back to Elise's house to "hang out".

Elise M x Kylee NWhere stories live. Discover now