"What was that movie you were watching that one day the twins spent the day at your mom's?", Kazuto asked.

"The Princess Bride. It was really good and I wouldn't mind watching it again.", I said.

"Let's watch that. I didn't get to finish it.", he said, putting the name into the search bar.

I nodded and sank down further under the covers. I was still cold, no matter how far under the covers I was. I had a thought after a moment. There was a heated blanket under the bed that we hadn't thought to pull out. I quickly got up and dug it out from under the bed. Once I found it, I plugged it in and threw it over the comforter. Kazuto realized what I had done and picked up the twins, putting them under the blanket, then snuggling down into the blankets himself. 

I burrowed under the blankets and stuck my head out so I could watch the movie. The twins had calmed down and were laying down on the bed next to us. I figured it was because it was cold outside and warm in here. Neither of them made any noise or moved very much during the movie, just sat there and played with each other quietly.

When the movie finally ended, I looked over at them and they were both just sitting there really quiet and still. Both were looking around and awake, but they were quieter than usual. Something wasn't right with either of them. On any normal day, they would have been hungry about now and they wouldn't sit still under any circumstances. 

I put my hand to Finley's forehead and then my other hand to Miles's. Both felt warmer than usual, but it wasn't because of the heated blanket. I looked on my bedside table for the fever thermometer I kept there for these purposes. When I found it, I picked it up and pressed it to Miles's head first. When it was done calculating, it said 100.3. I checked Finley next and hers said 100.7. 

"What's up? Do you think they're sick?", Kazuto asked.

"Yeah, they both have a fever of 100.", I replied.

Kazuto got a worried look on his face and picked up Finley, cradling her to him.

"Will they be ok?", he asked.

"Kazuto, all babies get sick at some point. I'm sure they'll be fine. If the fever hasn't broken by tomorrow morning, I'll take them to the doctor and get them looked at." I said.

Kazuto nodded and looked down at Finley, who sucked on her thumb and laid still. Miles sat and watched them, then crawled up into my lap and laid down on my chest. Kazuto and I both laughed and I hugged my baby. He reached up and took a fistful of my hair then just held it while I sat there with him. I couldn't resist taking a picture of it, so I picked up my phone and pulled up the camera. First, I took one of Kazuto and Finley, then I took one of Miles and I. 

"So what do you want to watch next?", Kazuto asked.

"Let's watch White Collar.", I said. (If y'all like crime shows, this one is a must watch. Just saying.)

Kazuto put it on and we sat there watching it until lunch time. When the clock hit noon, we had just finished our current episode. I made to get up and put Miles back down on the bed with Kazuto, but as soon as I set him down, his eyes filled with tears and his bottom lip began to quiver. I couldn't take it, so I picked him back up and held him again.

"I guess you can come with me and we'll go make lunch.", I said to Miles, who immediately calmed down and put his thumb back in his mouth.

Kazuto laughed as I walked out of the room and down the hall with Miles. Once we got into the kitchen, I pulled out two cans of microwaveable ramen noodles and fixed them up really quickly. When they were done, I walked back to the bedroom with Miles and put him down, then quickly went back for the food. 

All I Need Book 2Where stories live. Discover now