Winter wonderland

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Y/n P.O.V

"Come on babe, it's almost time to go" your boyfriend of 18 months, Shawn , shouts from the bottom of the staircase

It was date night and he'd planned a special date that he had kept a secret, for added enjoyment. The most you'd been informed is to wear something warm and comfortable. Your go to was a loose grey jumper and a pair of leggings with thick socks and a pair of brown ankle boots.

Your makeup was just your basic routine with the addition of a shimmery, smokey eye and you placed your wavy brown hair in a messy bun.

Walking down the stairs you slow to admire shawn. He was wearing black jeans, a white hoodie and a beanie which kept his chocolate brown hair in place. You descend to his height (even though he's taller you know what I mean) and look into his smooth caramel eyes and place a soft kiss on his lips, you didn't care where he took you as long as you could spend the evening with your one, your only, your best friend and the person you wanted to spend your life with.


Shawn's black Jeep Wrangler pulled up to a large warehouse as you finished the last note of mercy (which you had been both singing at full pelt). As Shawn guided you out the car you read the large writing on the signpost it read Silver blades ice rink. You smiled and wrapped your arm around his waist as you giggled across the car park.

Settling straight in as you laced up your ice skates, you took a picture of Shawn to put on your Instagram.

Date night with my baby 💕 @Shawn_Mendes1 how adorable 😘

You wobbled as you tried to stand up Shawn laughed, he took one stride across and supported your waist as he gracefully lead you to the ice.

People glided around the fresh, frosty rink. Some backwards, some forwards, some with elaborate spins, swooping and laughing. You clung to the side wobbling like a fawn born into the springs dew. After showing off the work of his hockey days, Shawn took your hand and you were comfortable in his tender hold. Once again he placed his hands on your waist and skated behind you gracefully guiding your feet.

"Do you like it ?" He whispered gently in your ear

"I love it, a true winter wonderland" you say turning around and placing a gentle kiss on his lips.

A/N: really cheesy but enjoy my lovelies 💕☺️

Shawn Mendes imagines and short storiesWhere stories live. Discover now