Texts to Em

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Riley's POV

Today was a terrible day, because I had to say goodbye to my sister this morning.
She was going to New York today.
The college would only start in two days, but she was already going today to move in.
I don't know who cried more she or I.
I arrived at the studio and walked to my office, I was exhausted the last night I couldn't sleep, because I was constantly thinking about the work I still had to do.
Through the windows in my office I could see a paper hanging in the studio.
I walked out of my office, nearly crashing into Megan.
"Sorry", she said.
I ignored her and we walked to the list.
Okay that was the moment of the truth.

Megan (what a surprised)


When I saw my name on the list I was so surprised.
I couldn't believe that I was on the third round.
I never thought I would even come into the second one and now I was in the last.
Maybe I did have a chance to win this casting and be their next model.
Megan smiled before walking to the hall.
When I knew she was gone I started jumping up and down like a little kid.
I was just so excited.
I heard steps and immediately stopped jumping.
Amy and Michelle were walking in and they were chatting about dance.
They walked past me to the list and sighed.
"Congratulations", Amy said smiling and hugged me.
I hugged her back and said:"Thank you, you were really good too".
She smiled and walked out of the studio.
Michelle smiled at me, but I just ignored her, if she wanted to talk to someone than she could go to her best friend Megan.
I turned around and walked into my office.
I was in.
It was a very sunny Saturday and after finding out that I was in, I was in a much better mood.
I quickly took my mobile of my jeans pocket and wrote Emily.

Riley : Hi Em guess what I am in the third round of the casting😆

Emily : What Really?😰, you know I always believed in you, omg I am so proud of my baby sister 💓my sister is a model😘😎

Riley : Emily I am not a model now, maybe Megan wins

Emily : What? No Riley they don't let cows participate😏😝

Riley : 😂😂😂

Emily : When you're a model I am going to return to Toronto and we're going to rub it in James's face😉

Riley : Em! I think you have already slapped him, we don't need more revenge😞

Emily : Riley you such a party popper 😒

Riley : I am not a party popper 😦

Emily : Whatever you angel😇 If you like it or not I am going to do it you can comfort him afterwards😒😝😍

Riley : Shut up😝😑

Emily : Love you too sis 😘💓❤

Riley : Love you too 💋❤

I laughed and put my phone back into my jeans pocket.
I left my office and walked to my next class that was with the B-Troupers.

After my class with B-Troupe, I was half asleep.
It was getting too difficult to teach so many classes and work with the papers.
I really needed someone like Phoebe, but Phoebe worked for a little amount of money and the studio was broke.
We hadn't enough money to pay an employer.
I wished Chloe would still be here, then she could work here.
She was a good dancer and worked for a little amount of money like Phoebe.
But the both of them were not in the city.
When I thought about her, I noticed how much I was missing Chloe.
She used to be my best friend before she left.
I would text her, but I knew that she had only time to use her phone on Sundays, because she was always practicing and performing.
Her life was probably even more exhausting than mine and I was always complaining.
I arrived at my office an in it were already Megan and Mark, probably waiting for me.
"Hi Riley, I think you already checked the list, so congratulations to you two.
The last round will be different, this time the judges won't decide anything.
The audience will vote for their favorite, they already saw you one time and they are going to see your pictures on a big screen now.
After that they will get a piece of paper and will decide who they want to win.
So I wish you two luck and the presentation of the pictures will be this evening in the studio, so make sure to be here to watch them", he explained.
We nodded and he and Megan left.
"Miss Riley, you wanted to talk to me?", Richelle asked peeking her head inside.
"Yes, exactly, come in and take a seat", I said.
She walked in and sat on the couch in front of me.
"Richelle I don't know how many times I have to talk to you till you stop having this attitude towards Sloane", I told her sighing.
"Alright, alright, I be nice", she mumbled standing up without letting me speak and leaving the studio.
I sighed once again and walked out of the studio too, since I had a A-Troupe class to teach.
Would I ever have time to send in the list of the regionals qualifier?
I don't think so.

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