Chapter 14-Shot in the heart

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I must say I'm very proud of my dear Sebby. He's gotten two jobs to pay for our trip but he said he's changed the plan in a big way but he won't tell me what it is but I'm very exited. I've talked to my friends about it and they are all expecting something big. I was on my way to the shops to get groceries when I felt hands pull me into an alley than everything went black.

Sebastian's POV

I looked up from the computer I used at my library job and saw my brother Claude."What do you want Claude?".I questioned as Claude slipped a letter onto my desk and left without saying a word. I opened the letter and read it.

My Dear Son

I wish to apologise for my ways in person. I want to apologise to you, your brother, your father and your girlfriend.Please come my son even if you don't forgive me I wish to at least try. Come at 10:30 pm sharp,I'll see you them my son

Yours Sinserly,Your loving mother

I looked over at the clock and I saw that is was 10 pm so I grabbed my stuff and headed to my old house.By the time I got to my old house it was past 10:30 so I quickly knocked on the door."I thought this would mean more to you Sebastian, come in".I followed my mother into the house as the door closed behind me."Where's Claude?".My mother turned to the lights and switched them on. My eyes widened when I saw my Ciel, bound and bruised. Claude stood behind her, holding and kissing her as she tried to push him away. She bit down on his tongue and Claude pulled away quickly before slapping her. I was about to run to her side when my mother pulled out a gun and aimed it at her."Move and your precious girlfriend gets it".Tears welled in Ciel's eyes as she hit Claude away from her and tried to run to me but before she could make it a bullet entered her chest.I picked her up and ran to the hospital."Someone please help her, she's been shot!" I cried out and instantly a doctor with long, grey hair walked forward."Follow me sir".I followed the man to a hospital room."Hang in there Ciel we can get you through this I'm not letting my sister die no not like this".I looked on in confusion but I didn't say anything."I'm taking her in for an x-ray than I'm going to perform surgery, please wait here until its done young man".I sat in the guest chair as Ciel was taken in for a surgery and x-ray.It took several hours but I saw the man wheel the bed back in."What happened to my dear sister" The man looked at me with cold eyes as tears welled in mine."It's my fault if I didn't think she was a male when I first met her my mother would have no reason to want to meet her and my mother wouldn't have wanted revenge on Ciel".The man told me to tell him the whole story so I did."I'm going to contact her family is there anyone else who would want to see her".I thought and answered."She has three friends named Alois Trancy,Grell Sutcliff and Elizabeth Midford. The man in grey gave me a comforting hug and spoke."Yes that may seem weird that I just hugged you but your my little sister's boyfriend so I consider you family but I have a warning for you.If you break her heart I'll break yours and no I don't mean it metaphorically". The man left, leaving me alone with Ciel's unconscious body.I took her hand in mine and kissed it."I'm so so sorry Ciel, I'm so sorry.Will you ever forgive me my love?"

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