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Killian's POV

It was Thursday morning, also my last day in school this week. Having the perks of being a senior I guess, we get a day off. The only thing I can think of is Emma Swan. I know that her family name is Nolan but Swan just suits her so much better. I only know her since monday but apart from Liam she gives me hope that I can live happily here as well.

I didn't have much friends back home but I was sad when I had to leave my best buddy Robin. He said after College he'll come after me because he always wanted to live here anyways. I hope he won't change his mind I want him to meet Emma. I'm sure he'd like her too. Or maybe I can go home one day with her. I know I only met her a few days ago but I can feel that somehow she's different. I trust her more than anyone. Liam says that I shoud forget her and get back together with Milah. But how could he know? He never had any kind of relationship apart from one night stands. He doesn't understand things like this.

I ran to the forest to our usual meeting-point and I was the first to arrive. My heart was beating so fast I was afraid I would scare the birds away. When I looked up I saw a few planks tacked into a tree. It could be a treehouse a long time ago. Suddenly I felt the urge to climb up there and investigate the planks close, maybe I can renovate it somehow.

Emma's POV

I woke up a bit late and rushed to the forest. I saw our meeting-point from a distance but Killian was nowhere to be found. When I got there I picked out my phone and started texting him.

"Love, I'm right here, no need to use that bloody device." I looked around but I cannot see him. "Look up, Swan!" I did as I was told so and he was sitting in some old planks smirking down at me. "Come down, Jones! I don't want to be late on our last weekday." His smirk grew even more. "Come on lass, climb up here. You can see the ocean from this point. It's worth the risk." He cocked one of his eyebrows and I started climbing. A branch cut my shirt but I didn't even realised it until later. When I finally got up to where he was sitting I was breathless. The view from here was absolutely stunning. "Killian this is beautiful."

Killian's POV

"Aye it is, love. Beautiful in every way." What Emma didn't realise is that I was looking at her instead of the landscape. She looked at me and immediately blushed. I hugged her and we just watched the ocean for a while, then we said our goodbyes and headed to school.

We only had one class together, but it was history. I didn't want to fail so I was paying attention. I didn't even realise that Emma was chuckling at my concentrated faces all the time. When school ended we said our goodbyes, I knew the next time I see her we'll be leaving to our first date. I hope there would be many more.

"See you tomorrow, love." I said giving her a kiss. I wanted it to be just a quick peck but she obviously thought otherwise because as soon as our lips connected she deepened the kiss. I didn't mind though but wanted her to crave for more til tomorrow so I pulled away. It was hard but I knew it would worth it.

Emma's POV

"Yeah,see you. Goodbye Killian" I turned around after the kiss. I wanted so much more but I guess I'll have to wait.

Now I just had to get a pretty dress. "Hey Regina. I was wondering if we could meet up, you know I'll have a date with Killian tomorrow and I don't have anything to wear. Can you help me?" I called her. "Emma, I was hoping you would ask, of course. Come over to my place, you can come now if you want to, I have a free day today." "Awesome, I'll be there in 10 minutes." This is why I loved this town so much, everyone and everything was so close you could walk anywhere.

When I arrived at Regina's place her room was already a mess. There were like hundreds of clothes laying everywhere, like a tornado ran through her closet. "I see that you prepared for occasions like this." I laughed at her. "Hello Emma, I didn't even see you were here. I already found two dresses with matching shoes, you just have to choose." She pointed at two dresses. I tried both of them and then chose the first one but with the shoes which Regina picked for the second dress.

We packed away all of her clothes and had fun like old times, gossipping about schoolboys, but mainly we were talking about Killian of course. "Emma I can see that he makes you happy but be careful. I know not every guy's like Neal but I don't want another heartbreak for you. You deserve the best." Regina said with a half smile. "You are the bestest friend anyone could ask for, Regina. Thank you so much. Don't worry I have a really good feeling about Killian. He's not like the others."

When I got home it was already 10 pm. My mom went to sleep but my father was still up watching the tv. "Hi Dad. What's up? Sorry for being constantly late, I was at Regina's today." My dad looked at me with a sleepy smile. "It's okay sweetheart. Are you excited about your date?" "I am, actually. It's just he is so nice I'm afraid I'm gonna ruin this somehow." "I'll tell you what. Tomorrow deputy Graham works alone and we're going on a bit of a father-daughter day until your date. Like this you won't worry through the whole day. What do you say?" I ran to my father and hugged him. "That would be so awesome! Thank you!" I kissed his cheek. "Anything for my little baby."

Killian's POV

When I arrived home from school Liam was already there. "Hello brother! How come you're already at home?" I asked while I threw my bag into my room. "Hello little brother! Do you remember the cargo-ship that was supposed to bring our stuff over here? It arrives today so I have to be here when the smaller things come. Also you need to head to the docks because the bigger stuff comes today too. It should arrive around 4, and it only includes the Jolly Roger and a smaller gift for you as well." The Jolly Roger was our father's ship. Well it was actually a restaurant made from a pirate's ship but the point is it was cool. This is even much better than I planned, this way I can bring Emma to the Jolly Roger. "Sorry brother I didn't hear, what kind of smaller gift were you talking about?" I asked. "I just said that there is a gift for you too next to the Jolly Roger. You'll see it soon enough."

At 4 pm I was at the docks and soon enough the cargo ship arrived. They put the Jolly Roger on water then a container was lifted off, right next to it. I payed the guys then I got a key and opened the container. In it was a pick-up truck. I couldn't be any happier right now this is so cool. I went abroad the Jolly Roger, I checked if everything was okay, and then I headed home with my new car. When I arrived it was almost 10, and I could swear I saw Emma step into their house but I didn't want to wake her parents up with the horn so I went on my way. Either way I'm gonna see her soon enough.

"I guess you found your gift. Do you like it?" Liam asked as I got home. "Of course this is amazing! Thank you so much! But how could you afford something like this?"

"Killian, sit down I have big news. Listen, you know that we had to move here because I've got a job. Now they're sending me away for six months. After that I got two years off. I know that it'll be hard for you but you'll get money from me and you only have to take care of the school. Killian say something!" I was shocked. He was leaving me. Everybody left me. "Then why the bloody hell did we move here in the first place? I had a life back there you know!" As I said these I immediately thought about Emma and felt bad because if we didn't move here I wouldn't have met her at all. "Sorry Liam I don't know what got into me... When will you leave?" I asked him trying to calm down a bit. "The ship leaves tomorrow at 2 pm. Would you accompany me?" I felt my eyes become watery but I kept my tears for later. "Of course, brother. Anytime. Just promise me that you'll call me anytime you can."

"I promise, Killian. I'll be fine don't worry. Do as you wish with the Jolly Roger, father wanted it to be yours. Just don't burn down the house while I'm away, please." I just nodded and laughed, as I felt a knot in my throat. I knew what he told me but father also told us that he'll be fine and he never came back. Tomorrow will be an emotional rollercoaster for sure. I cannot let Emma know this, at least not in our datenight. It should be about her.

We talked with Liam til midnight then he went to his room to gather his things. I went to bed and with watery eyes I fell asleep thinking of Emma.

|two more kind of a filler chapters after this and then their date comes

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