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"I'm calling Ryan" Karli put her phone to her ear, strutting her way into the kitchen. I rolled my eyes, making my way into the office. I flicked on the TV, clicking through the channels until i saw something that sparked my interest. "Oh. My. fucking hell" a smirk grew on my face, i turned the volume up louder. "Hey Lex...." Calum began, i held up a finger to silence him. "You'll never fucking believe this" I chuckled, pointing at the screen i had just paused. "Is that... Does Ash know?" He asked, looking at me. I shook my head, leaning back in my chair. "Oh i cannot wait for Ryan to arrive". Calum looked at me with a small smirk on his face, nodding slowly.

"Once again Alexis, you have ruined everything. You just don't get it, do you? You are one of the most selfish, disrespectful, undermining bitches ever. I swear to god i will make it my lifes mission to make your life a living hell. You have no idea what you are doing you idiot" Ryan yelled, pacing back and forth. "Are you done?" I asked, looking up at him, a slight smirk on my face. "Cause i'd like to show you something". I opened my laptop, opening the link. "It seems Karli was out having a little bit of fun the other night, and oh look at this. That's not Ashton" I turned the laptop around to face Ryan. The smirk growing even bigger, as his eyes widened. 

Karli stood there silently, a stupid pout on his face. "That's not me. It was photoshopped. I was tricked. He's just a friend" She mumbled, excuse after excuse. "Oh shut it Karli. You fucked up and the whole world knows it" I scoffed, pushing myself up onto the bench. "She did it. She made up the lie" Karli pointed at me, giving Ryan the puppy dog eyes. I scoffed, rolling my eyes once more, "For fuck sakes Karli. The whole world saw you making out with that dude and our trying to blame it on me?". "Ryan, fire her" Her voice was high pitched and whiny. 

Ryan looked at the both of us, leaning back on the bench, folding his arms across his chest. "Ryan say something" She pouted once more. He let out a long sigh, looking up at me, a smirk growing on Karli's face. I rolled my eyes, shaking my head at him. "Alex, i'm sorry" he unfolded his arms, shrugging slightly. Karli's smirk disappeared, a look of shock to replace it. "Your what?" I asked, looking at him confused. "I'm sorry okay. For blaming you. You're not the one i should have yelled at" He half smiled, I nodded slowly, smiling at him, "Thank you". 

His eyes traveled to Karli and anger grew on his face, "Karli you just made the dumbest move. You will never have a career after this. You are fired and i'm going to make it my lifes mission that you never work in the industry ever again" Everybody's mouth dropped open, Karli standing there in full shock. "Are you fucking kidding me" she yelled, shaking her head. "Ashton do something" She turned to face him. He stood there with a smirk on his face, nodding at me. "get out" he half whispered, looking at her. "Get out of this house and don't ever come back". She let out a gasp, looking at us all before letting out a frustrated scream and stomping her way out of the house.

Ryan had left, said he had to make some calls, clear up the mess that Karli made. The boys sat on the couch, watching tv, laughing about something. I sat at the bottom of the stairs, my arms wrapped around my knees. I stared at the door, my mind a complete blank. "Hey" Ashton smiled at me, bring my attention back to the world. "Hey" I smiled back, watching as he sat down beside me. "How are you?" He asked, nudging me slightly. "I'm good. How are you?" I looked at him, leaning on the wall. "I'm okay" he nodded, staring down at the floor.

I stared at him, watching as his forehead crinkled, as he leaned his elbows on his knees, biting his nails. He was thinking. And he was thinking hard. I loved watching him think, watching his mind tick. He tuned out the world whenever he thought, you could try and talk to him, but he wouldn't be able to hear you. If he was in  a really deep thought, he would start mumbling to himself, start writing things down. It was one of my favorite things about him. 

"I'm sorry" He whispered, breaking out of his thoughts, "For everything. I've been so shit during this whole thing. I shouldn't have ignored you, i should have fought for you but i didn't. I'm so sorry". I smiled at him, placing my hands on the back of his neck, scrunching my hand up in his hair. I leaned forward, placing a light kiss to his forehead, leaning my forehead on his. "I'd sing acapella in the rain, let the whole world think I've gone insane. Give you all my money, and my name, theres nothing i wouldn't do" I half whispered, running my hands through his hair, "There's nothing i wouldn't do for you". 

He smiled that oh so sweet smile, grabbing my other hand in his, interlocking our fingers. "When I'm crazy and I don't know why, would you calm me down and read my mind?" He paused, placing his other hand on top of mine. "We could be anything tonight, just tell me everything you like. Can't you see, We could be something if we tried, just tell me how to make you mine" He looked at me, eyes hopeful, i smiled, pulling him closer until our lips met, the smile still there as we pulled apart, forehead together once more, "I've always been yours".

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