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3:47am. Neither of us had moved. No words had been spoken in over two hours. I could no longer look him in the eyes. I let out a sigh, shaking my head as I pushed myself up off the floor using the bed. I slowly made my way down the hall towards the kitchen. I walked over to the counter pouring myself a glass of juice. I took once sip before place the glass back down. Leaning with both hands on the counter. "Did you see the look in his fucking eyes" Michael burst in, a bottle of beer in his hand. "Michael what are you..." I began but he just shook his head, taking a swig of his beer. "I have never seen a man look so broken. He was so broken he couldn't even fight so you know what, I'm here to fight for him" he half yelled, banging his fist against the counter. "Michael" I yelled, shaking my head. "I don't want to fight. I don't have any energy to fight." I whispered, taking another small sip of my drink. "I can't keep the promise I made you" he shook his head, waving his hands about. "I can't keep it because there isn't fucking anyone else who can take better care of him than you. No one will make him as fucking happy as you doing. As you do" he half yelled. "Michael" I growled. "Why are you being such a fucking bitch" he yelled once more.

I stood there staring at him, not knowing quite what to say. "Life would have been so much better if you weren't here to fuck everything up. He was going to fucking propose to you. Fucking propose do hear that. And now you've fuck that up haven't you" he chuckled shaking his head. "Fucking stupid bitch". I shook my head, gripping the class in my hand. "Get out" I half whispered, looking up at him, "get the fuck out of my house" I yelled louder. He stumbled back in shock, huffing before making his way out of the house, mumbling as he went. I picked up the glass, holding it a few inches away from my lips before placing it back down on the counter. "What was that all that about?" Ashton asked, walking into the kitchen. "Drunk Michael" I chuckled, shaking my head. He nodded smiley, walking over to the bar stool and sitting down. I looked up at him, his eyes already on mine. "Were you really going to propose?" I half whispered. He looked down for a second before looking back at me, nodding. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a small red box and sliding it across the counter. I reached out for it, he hesitating for only a second before slowly picking it up. I opened it, a small gasp leaving my lips as a small light shone onto the diamond ring. I placed it down slowly, shaking my head. "Ashton I.." I began but stopped.

"I'm no good for you. You need to forget me" I whispered, he just shook his head. "You will understand why I've done this in the future. If you don't hate me" I half smiled, but only for a second. He stood up from his chair, shaking his head, making his way around the counter, stopping beside me. "I could never hate you. I will always love you" he half smiled. He gave me a quick peck on the cheek before making his way to the door. "Ash" I whispered, holding up the box, he shook his head. "Keep it" he half smiled and then left. I looked down at the box, gripping the class once more. I picked up the glass slowly, holding it for a second before throwing it across the room. I picked up my phone, filling Ryan's number. I had so much anger in me. "Hello Ryan speaking" his cocky voice rung through the phone. "You're an asshole, you realise that right? You thought me breaking up with him would help when it's only made it fucking worse" I yelled, tears now rolling down my face. "Listen Alex, I'm gunna need you too..." He began. "He was going to fucking purpose to me" I yelled. "You ruined everything. Michael fucking hates. The other probably do too as well. Thanks to you. I hope your fucking happy cause we're all miserable" I hung up the phone before he could answer. I grabbed the box and made my way to my room, placing my phone and the box on the beside table before collapsing on the bed and pulling the covers around me.

It was now 4:03pm the next day and i was beyond smashed. I had spent from 12 onwards drinking vodka and other cocktails and really just any alcohol I had in my house. And there seemed to be a lot. I was now on a bottle of cider and laughing my ass off at some movie that was on. The movie had just ended as the doorbell rang. I stumbled my way over, opening the door with a smile and chug of cider. "Calum" I slurred, leaning on the door. "Alex are you drunk?" He asked. I nodded with a smile, taking another swig of my cider. "Oh Alex" he mumbled, shaking his head. "Don't fucking oh Alex me" I slurred, poking him in the chest. "I know I fucked up but it's not my faults. You would be fired if it wasn't for me" I hiccuped, stumbling backwards until my back hit the wall. "What?" Calum asked, walking closer. "Yeap just ask..." I began, my vision going black for a second. I slid down the wall shaking my head. Calum hurried over, crouch in front of me. "Alex I think you should..." He began, but it all went black. Just black.

Wild Hearts (Preppy Misfit Sequel)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora