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"Alexis Roberts, Ex Girlfriend of Ashton Irwin, has now started dating Hood's band mate and best friend, Calum Hood. The couple made their Red Carpet debut at the music awards last night, along side Ashton Irwin and his new Girlfriend Karli Williams. "She makes me happy." Irwin answered when talking about Williams. "There's no hard feelings between Ashton and Calum or Alexis and Calum. The three of them sat down to talk about it all, and all is well" A source tells us. "It won't last long" another source tells us, "Soon she'll be moving onto the next band member, and before you know it she's gone through the whole band""

"They hate me" I sighed, collapsing on the bed. "They don't hate you" Calum sighed, sitting on the bed beside me. "They're making bets as to how long i'll date you for, and who i'm moving onto next" I sat up slightly, looking at him, "They think im an absolute joke Cal. Ash isn't talking to me, but everyone else in the goddamn world is talking about me. What the fuck am i suppose to do" I whispered, shaking my head. "Hey. Everything will be okay, keep your chin up beautiful" he half smiled, rubbing circles on my back. "Thanks Cal" I smiled, nudging him slightly. "Now. Let's go get some breakfast, shall we girlfriend?" He winked, standing up and holding out his hand. "And you'll be such a good boyfriend paying won't you?" I winked, grabbing his hand.

"Bullshit" I chuckled, walking down the street, mango smoothie in my hand. "Honestly. Michael had told me how big of crush he had on you when you first met" Calum smirked, taking a sip of his smoothie. "That's disgusting. I mean, I love Mikey, and he is a total babe but he's like my brother" I chuckled, shaking my head. *you look so perfect standing there in my American apparel underwear...* Calum's phone began to ring, I looked at smirking, "what?" He asked confused, "one of your songs would be your ring tone" I chuckled once more, he smirked with a shrug, placing the phone to his ear.
"Yo its Calum".
"How do you know that"
"But it's not..."
"Okay fine."

"Who was that?" I asked, looking at Calum confused. "Ryan. He says that were being followed and we need to act more love dovey" he rolled his eyes, looking around slightly. "How does he know that?" I asked, looming at him confused, "because he's following us" he sighed, shaking his head. "He wants us to hold hands" Calum half smiled, holding out his hand. I smiled, placing my hand in his. "Better keep the boss happy" I sighed through gritted teeth. Calum let out a small sigh as we once again began to make our way down the street. "It won't be like this forever" Calum smiled, giving my hand a small squeeze. "It might as well be. I'm gunna take Ash not talking to me as a sign that we're over." I shrugged, taking a sip of my smoothie.

"I'm gunna take a shower" Calum smiled as we walked through the door, i nodded, making my way up the stairs and dumping the shopping bags in the room. I collapsed on the bed, scrolling through my phone. "Babe come on" a high pitched tone filled the house. I rolled off the bed, making my way to the landing, looking down over the lounge. Ashton and Karli sat on the couch, Karli sitting on with  a pout on her face. "i'm not your babe Karli, we're in private, you can cut the shit" Ashton's voice sounded angry and tired, all mixed into one. "They might be listening" She whispered, leaning in slightly, "and you are my boyfriend, Ryan said so" she smirked, the smugness glowing on her face. I leaned forward, resting my elbows on the railing. "Karli cut it out" Ashton snapped, Karli jumping back a little. "I will not, Ryan promised me a career out of this" she cried, gripping his arm. 

"Careful Karli, your desperate is showing" i smirked, Ashton letting out a small chuckle, as Karli glared up at me. "Wouldn't want it to ruin your career in playing pretend" I stood up, leaning myself on the banister. "oh like you can talk" She hissed, "Unlike you, you two faced bitch, i'm doing this to help Ashton and his band, not myself. Unlike you, i would care if his career ended because of me. Unlike you, i actually care and love him" I stood up fully, crossing my arms across my chest. "Ashton, say something. Don't  let her talk to me like like" Karli's high pitched voice filling the house once more. Ashton shrugged slightly, leaning his head on the back of the couch, looking up at me, a slight smirk on his face, "Well. She's not wrong"

Wild Hearts (Preppy Misfit Sequel)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang