"I suppose..." Stephen sighed, "that I can attempt to teach you a small, and I mean small, amount of magic just so you can defend yourself." 

Rachael's head snapped up to him and she grinned. "Really?" 

"Yes, really," Stephen said. "But only after the Ancient One's burial and after I get used to my new powers with the Cloak of Levitation. I'll need to find you something like the Eye of Agamotto though."

"Thank you, Stephen," Rachael said, resting her head on his shoulder. "I love you."

"Yes, I know you only love me when you do what you want," Stephen said, giving Rachael a kiss on her head which made her giggle. "It's been that way since we were children." 

"No, it hasn't," Rachael said. 

"Yes, it has," Stephen said. "I remember one time you threw a temper tantrum because my brother and I had a boys only tree-house." 

"Yeah, 'cause it was unfair and sexist!" Rachael laughed at the memory. "Didn't your brother get super mad when you finally gave in and let me and your sister in?"

"He hated me for it," Stephen said. "To be fair, I had no idea he had put that sign on it."

Stephen and Rachael cuddled for a few more minutes before Stephen decided that he should try walking around the room to make sure he wouldn't be in pain during the Ancient One's burial. When he stood up, a wave of sickness overtook him and he immediately sat back down. Rachael ran to the small bathroom Stephen had and retrieved the bowl of cold water he kept in there to wash his face. She emptied the water into the sink and rushed back to Stephen. He grabbed the bowl and vomited. Rachael took the bowl and went to rinse it out in the bathroom. 

"Drink some more water," she called. 

"My stomach..." Stephen groaned as cramps seized it. "I don't think I can move."

"I'll be right there, then," Rachael said. She came out from the bathroom and gave Stephen some of his water. His stomach calmed down enough so that he wasn't in terrible pain, but there was still a little bit of pain there. "Kaecilius's spell really seems to have taken a toll on you."

"Yes," Stephen agreed. "I need to be at the Ancient One's burial, though, and I don't think Wong and Mordo will want to wait much longer." 

"Steven, you have to take it easy," Rachael said. "I'll tell you what: you rest for a few more minutes, and then you can try walking. If you can walk around the room without throwing up, then we can go see if things are ready for the Ancient One's burial." 

"Alright," Stephen nodded.

He laid down in bed for about twenty minutes. His stomach started to feel better around the ten minute mark, but he decided that he should let himself take it easy. When he finally hit twenty minutes, he got up and walked around the room. He felt queasy, but not like he needed to puke again. Stephen washed his face and then let Rachael walk him to the main hall.

The main hall looked much different than it had just a few short hours ago. It was dark and only lit by candles. The Ancient One's body was lying on a cot in the middle of the room. Stephen let go of Rachael's arm and walked over to her. Rachael let him go. She knew he wanted one last moment alone with his mentor. Stephen swallowed the lump in his throat. The Ancient One looked more peaceful than she had when she died. The blood from her body had been cleaned off. If Stephen didn't know any better, he would have just thought she was sleeping. 

"Oh, Ancient One..." he whispered. "If you can hear your formal disciple, please know that he is sorry. It should have been me who died, not you. I don't know if I can do this without you. I haven't felt this lost since I first destroyed my hands and learned that I would never operate again. I know I have Rachael, and I know that I have Wong and Mordo, but I do not have you. You have left me alone to defeat Kaecilius by myself. I don't know if I will be able to do it." 

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