Chapter 14- Off the Rails

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*Jokers POV*

I stalked up the porch to a normal looking house, literally dragging Erik's body behind me. I didn't actually know that Harley had had a brother, but o sure as hell wasn't going to let any part of her fucked up family interfere with her well being again. She had told me her parents lived here long ago when she was complaining about how they had treated her; causing her to move the day she turned sixteen. I slam my fish against their door once.

I waited until the door opened. A women opened the door and looked at me. "Can I help you... Sir?" She asked. I was wearing black dress pants and a purple button up opened at the top. Fairly casual and nothing I wasn't afraid to mess up.

"Yes." I say, "I know your daughter. I just met your son a few hours ago." I slightly move gesturing to Erik's dead body I had dragged all the way here from my car.

Her eyes widened in horror and shock as she called "TIM! HURRY AND BRING YOUR GUN!!" I laughed, feeling alive for the first time in month. A man rushed outside holding a hunting gun, but froze as soon as we made eye contact.

I knew this man. His eyes widened, "Mr. J?" He asked.

"Indeed." I say.

"He killed our son!" The women yells and the man Tim snapped back to reality and looked over at the decomposing body.

"Actually I didn't. My friend did. You know why? Someone this jackass was working for had your daughter held captive and threatened to kill her if I entered. So I had my friend take care of it." I spit in anger. I dropped the body. "I'm here to make damn sure you or no one else messes with my property." The last words come out even darker than I intend.

I take out my knife and threaten a man with a hunting rifle with it in broad daylight. He drops the gun raising his hands. "Tim!"  She says staring at him in disbelief.

However he's not done. He jumps forward at me and I stab him in the throat watching him bleed out in laughter.

She screams coming at me. "Naughty." I remark and grab her snapping her neck. I walk away leaving the scene on the porch.


I was truly going even more insane than I ever was. The girl I loved was upstairs sleeping, and in so much pain that she couldn't move and could hardly speak.

Travis's voice broke me from my insane laughter. "Harley asks for you sir."

"I'm fucking busy!" I say as I storm out yet again.

*Harley's POV*

Travis helps me out of bed, I'm starting to regain feelings in my limbs and Ivan talk, but it hurts. "He went out." Travis said giving a small smile.

"Yeah right." I say throatily. "I heard him. He doesn't want to see me does he?"

"He's just upset," Travis assures me. "He's not used to being this venerable."

I rolled my eyes. "Vener-"

I head the door slam and stomping. "TRAVIS WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY FUCKING KEYS?" The Joker sounded completely enraged, and for something so simple.

"Table sir." Travis replies from my side.

"You have one job." He snapped as he rounded the corner. He stopped suddenly when he saw me. He wore black ripped skinny jeans and a white button up completely undone. His hair was crazy, matching the look in his eyes. "You're supposed to be laying down. Not distracting my guard." He said quietly and turned to leave.

"Puddin'" was all I could get out before my throat felt like it was going to combust.

I watched as his shoulders tensed then relaxed as he turned back and walked towards me. He took me from Travis and examined me, "you look a lot better doll face but I think you should rest. I have work to do."

I frowned. "Work?"

"Yes work. Fucking killing everyone in my path. Including you in a minute if you don't SHUT UP.


It had been a few weeks and I was feeling much better. I was standing outside staring at the sunset when I heard someone close by. I crouched hiding against the house. The figure stepped into view and I launched myself at them. A gunshot was fired and launched into their skull just as I reached them, both me and the body fell to the ground.

I stared at the women, pretty and no older than me. I turned back to see The Joker jogging over to me. "Are you okay?"

"Am I okay?" I ask, "we didn't even know if she was a threat or not!" I yelled.

"You attacked her!" He defended.

"You shot her before we even knew who she was!"

"I was protecting you!"

Then I did something that I never thought I would do. I pushed him and he fell. He fell right on his ass and looked up at me enraged. I started at him and slowly backed away pulling my hands up and he took a knife from his pocket and threw it hitting my left hand. I cried out in pain and held my bleeding hand. "Fuck you're such a dick!" I scream.

That's when it happened. He broke down. He literally started bawling like a baby. The King of Gotham was crying on the ground in front of me. At first I thought good. Fucking baby. But I instinctively ran to him. "I'm sorry, it's okay Puddin' I didn't mean to..." I say.

"I can't protect you." He cries on my shoulder. "I'm too unstable I'm losing my fucking mind. I can't do anything to keep you safe and it sucks." I just let him cry as I pet his hair.

(A/N I'm honestly running out of ideas and I'm really sorry if this fic has gone to shit because I feel like it has)

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