Chapter 10- House Guest

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*Jokers POV*

I stared at the Riddler in disbelief. How the fuck did he get passed my front line guard? I feel Harley's hand grab my arm. I feel myself growing protective as I make myself a wall Front of her.

The Riddler laughs, "how cute. You think you can protect a girl as pathetic as her from me?"

He takes a step forward. "Stay the fuck away." I bark.

He laughs, sending chills down my spine, "Aw, he's angry."

I pull my still bloodied knife from its strap by my breast. "I'm warning you."

"You see.... I was enjoying my evening when it was brought to my attention that a certain someone was roaming the streets killing my men." He glared at me and motioned to my knife.

Now it's my turn to laugh. "Those wanna be thugs were your men?" I ask him, "better teach them not to carry a dud for a gun."

"THEY WERE TRAINING!" He exploded.

I feel Harley flinch behind me which causes me to grip her hand assuring her that it's okay. "They were training and you sent that after me?"  I raise an eyebrow.

"No fool. I sent them to go harass a citizen. Not a psychopath."

"Oh Nigma, I'm just as much a citizen as any, and you know that." I say. "Harley darling, why don't you fetch our guest some wine?" I feel her leave me. Good. I didn't want her anywhere near him and I hopes she understands that. I straighten up. "You have a lot of fucking nerve showing up at my house." I spat.

"Well, when I've already killed half of your guard. You obviously don't put up much of a barrier." He tells me.

I growl, out of the corner of my eye a see Harley re-enter, but from behind The Riddler and his henchmen, Travis tailing her holding a tray with three glasses of red wine. I inwardly roll my eyes. She took me fucking seriously, but at least she brought Travis. "Ah, Harley." I say making both of Riddlers men turn towards her. "Send your dogs outside." I snap at him. "So we can speak civilly of course." I add.

"Alright, then." He snaps his fingers and his men step outside. "Now tell your whore to leave, unless she's offering that is."

"She stays and she's not a whore. Even if she was, she would never sleep with you." I frown. "So shut up unless you're offering your life. She is my Queen and shall be treated as such." I make my way to the bottom on the stairs and walk into the main room sitting on the sofa and bacon Harley with my hand. She wonders over and sits on my lap. The Riddler walks and sits across from me and Travis comes and sets the drinks between us and stand off to the side.

"You may have noticed I didn't threaten you with any weapons." He began, "unlike you of course, who obviously can't help yourself."

"What can I say? I love a good fight." I say to him stroking Harley's hair. she lays her head on my shoulder and closes her eyes.

"This isn't nap time." He says breaking the silence.

"She's had I long day." I tell him. "Leave her out of it, she's just here for me." I say remembering my promise yet again.

I watch as he pulls out a gun from his Jacket and hold it between his hands. I don't react, but Travis stiffens. "You know Joker, I was planning to met this one go, until I saw how...." He pretended to search for the right word. "Whipped you were."

I laugh causing Harley to stir. "Whipped?" I ask. "Could you find a more useless work to threaten me with? The only thing that's going to be whipped is that silly grin off of your face!" I holler.

The Riddler fires his gun at the ceiling then aims it at Harley now asleep in my arms. "All this time, I've wanted to get rid of you, but I think it would be more suitable to get rid of you favourite toy don't you think?" Travis steps forward unstrapping his large gun from his back. The Riddler whistles causing his men to rush in weapons drawn.

I chuckle. "Threatening a women?" I ask, "oh that's low. Almost as low as me."

My guards march in from different areas of the house. "Call off your men." One of them say.

He laughs, "how about, no." He says.

I move Harley off my lap and stand up in front of her. I grab The Riddlers jacket and get in his face. "Listen Nigma." I start, "I don't need any of your shit tonight. Either you kill me or you don't. Make up your damn mind."

He fires his gun and I hear a fast behind me "J..." I turn to see Harley holding her side.

I shoot blindly at Nigma causing him to fall back. "You didn't just shoot my dear Harley did you?" My men begin shooting him as his men stand in front of him. By the time his men fall, he is no where in sight.

*Harley's POV*

I wasn't really asleep. I couldn't help but be slightly annoyed when I felt myself being pushed off of his lap.

"Listen Nigma." I hear The Joker say. "I don't need any of your shit tonight. Either you kill me, or you don't. "He threatens, then adds, "make up your damn mind."

I hear a gun shot and a pain stabs through my lower abdomen. "J....." Was all I could get out. I hold my side where the bullet had gone in, blood seeping through my fingers.

He shot at The Riddler missing Mia head by a little bit. "You didn't just shoot my dear Harley did you?" He slurs stepping closer.

My vision was blurred and all I could make out was gun shots, The Riddlers men fell and The Riddler himself was nowhere in sight. I didn't realize I was crying until I felt the Jokers hand on my cheek. "Let's get you fixed up, shall we?"

The gunshot hurt, but what hurt more was The Joker poking around in my side attempting to get the bullet out. "Sit still." He says

"Ow!" I squirm more. "I'm sorry if my pain is disturbing you." I spat.

He chuckles. "Easy sweetheart. I got it." He says as he pulls the bloody tweezers out of my along with the bullet, covered in who knows what. I sigh in relief. "Now time to stitch you up." He says and picks up a needle and thread.

"I hope you know what you're doing." I look at him wide eyed.

"Oh don't worry. I know exactly what I'm doing." He picked up a bottle of vodka and poured it on a swab, pressing it to my wound as he begins stitching the hole in my side.

(A/N hey guys, I just watched Batman assault on Arkham and decided to include the Riddler. I recommend it if you liked suicide squad because it's literally a shorter cartoon version. It's quite comedic.)

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