Chapter 39-Explanations

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~~~Sans POV~~~

(While your talking to Chara)

"Well then.." I mumbled. 'What was that about? I have never really seen her show any anger towards anything. Or even cry for that matter....' I thought to myself as I just sat and stared at the kitchen door.

"Wow, only time I've seen her get that mad was when she met lust. Am I right Blue?" I heard 'Edge' say towards Blue. I looked over to the two confused. Blueberry nodded in agreement.

"Wait, wait, wait.. So she has acted like that before? And who is Lust?" I asked the two other me's. Swap just sat there just as confused as I was, but didn't say anything.

"Yes, she has, I've actually seen it three times now, but that's only because I have known her almost as long as Error and her have known each other." Blue started quietly, clearly not wanting to get Seven's attention.

"And to answer you question as to who Lust is, he's basically us, just... Sexually active. All. The. Time." Red said with a look of slight fear. I shuddered at that thought. "She had to basically tie the poor bastard up in order to get him off her, and lets just keep what he said about it quiet." I shuddered even more.

"Okay, so my turn to ask something." Swap said getting all of our attentions. "How many different versions of.. 'Us' are there?" He asked.

"Well, brother, it's hard to say how many exactly, but definitely over thousands, probably millions. They are the Alternate versions of us. Also known as Alternate Universe's." Blue said. Swap gave a small 'Ooohh.' In understanding before he just looked down at the carpet in deep thought.

"Wow, I'm either seeing things, or there's three smiley trashbags, and another gullible idiot." I heard a squeakish voice say. I turn around to see the yellow petaled asshole.

"Flowey?" All of us ask at once, me in slight anger, Edge in confusion along with Swap, and blue in amazement.

"Wow, definitely all the same person. Just like that weird glitchy trashbag." Flowey commented.

"Y'know, I don't take to kindly to little wimps who call me names." I heard Edge say.

"Oh look, it's the scary trashbag. Here to scare everyone into submission."

"That's not the only thing I would scare you into."

"Ooooohhhh!! Look everyone we have a tough guy!" I groaned in frustration.

"Is that a challenge!?" Edge asked, his left eye flaring a bright blood red flame. Bones appear behind him.

"And what if it is?" Flowey edged on. Friendliness pellets forming behind him.

"Guys." I say to get there attention, but they both ignore me and their attacks shoot towards eachother.

Just before the attacks even pass each other a turquoise shield forms blocking both attacks. A sigh of frustration emits from the kitchen door as the shield disappears. "I leave the room for 10 minutes to have Flowey appearing out of nowhere and Edge starting fights again?! Seriously guys leaf each other alone." Seven says with a slight chuckle. All four of us don't react and just stare at her in pure shock as she enters the room, Chara following behind with a wicked smile.

"Hey Flowey, long time no see aye?" They say as they walked up to the flower. Flowey stares at Chara in a slight fear.

The sound of someone clearing their throat causes me to glance towards Seven. She laughs nervously as she scratches the back of her neck. "Heheh... Sooo. I may or may not have overreacted about earlier, and I just wanted to say sorry for the outburst it's just." She sighs and puts her hand down. "Error is basically forcing me into this explanation, and with Geno's party coming up, and you two now staying." She indicates towards the Swaps, "It was just so stressful, I took it all out on you guys. I'm sorry." She says with a slight sad look.

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