The first date

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Chapter 2

6:30 pm the next day..

(Demi's POV)

So I'm getting ready for my out with Sydnee and I guess I'm a little nervous well no.. A lot I'm terrified, what if I flake out? Or tell her no? Will she hurt me?*doorbell* wait it only 6:45? "Hi I'm Demi's mom :)" "Sydnee Hensenn, I'm takeing your lovely daughter out tonight" "isn't that sweet, well she's up in her room getting ready... Oh wait here she comes now" I just wore skinny jeans boots and a band tee, I walk down and see her and my mom talking, "you look nice, well we better get going we have reservations at Nandos" "would you like me to give you some money? I heard its expensive" my mom says "no need ma'am I have money, plenty" "well you too have fun but not to much fun ;)" omg mom, my parents are okay with me being bi, and have known since I was 12 but I've always liked girls more but for some reason she isn't like a girl, her veins pop and her muscles are toned, you can see she had a breast reduction because she has a guys chest but I wonder if she... No demi stop, oh well, we pull up at Nandos and Sydnee gives her keys to the guy and we walk inside, she has her hand on the small of my back and guides me to our table we sit and she already orders the salmon and garden salads with sparkling cider, I decide to start a conversation "so... How old are you?"..

(Sydnees POV)

"So... How old are you?" Wow normally they just ask when I'm gonna fuck them but something about her tells me she's a tough one "hello?" "Oh sorry, I'm 18, what about you?" "Just turned 17" good she's legal "what kinda music you into love?" I ask seeing her Rolling Stones tee which admires her curves perfectly "rock, pop, indie, I like it all I guess haha, what about you?" "Same but I write also" "can you show me?" "Maybe some time" "okay" we eat and then go for a walk, I push her against this rock..

(Demi's POV)

She pushes me against a rock and leans in, I turn so she gets my cheek "aw don't be like that love, your lips look so soft I just wanted.." She continues as he hand crawls up my thigh I immediately take her hand and move it down, her smile fades and then she smirks "I like then feisty" "just stop please I-" she kisses me and I'm frozen, her lips are so soft I feel a little spark at first but I pull out because I lose breath "see it wasn't that bad" it wasn't but I'm just not ready I ate to much and feel fat, the voices are coming I flinch as she places a hand on my hip "I'm not gonna hurt you love" she put her hand there again on my old but recent cuts I flinch a little and a year rolls down she wipes it with her thumb and I see he saw my scars and knows what's wrong she lifts my head catching my chin with her finger and thumb while I get lost in her blue eyes I hear words I've never been told "your perfect love, your curves are beautiful just like your chocolate eyes and freckles, your everything is wonderful, don't do this to yourself anymore please?" She wipes my tears and leans down to my hip, she places warm kisses over each scar and cuts, I feel loved but she's dangerous Demi watch out, the ride home is quiet but she walks me up to the door and kisses my cheek and whispers "breakfast love I'll be here at early but be ready at 8" I nod and watch as she gets in her car and drives off.. Something about her pulls me in I don't know but I go to bed and dream about tomorrow

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