Chapter 7

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I'm about to tell them the truth when the door of the Brew opens.

"Caleb! You're back!" Hanna runs to him and they hug.

"We gotta go or we'll be late for first period."I get up and make my way out before anyone can question what the hell just happened.

As I shut the car door in a hurry, the passenger door opens and Emily gets in.

"Em, what are you doing? If people see us together, that gives them even more reason to assume that we're..."

"You're my ride, remember? Anyway, I'm pretty sure Aria and Han already know. We can't convince them otherwise. How long were we even gonna keep it from them?"

I ignore her question and start the car up.

"Hello? I just asked you a question."

"I don't know! We need to get to school. I don't want all the work I put in to my history essay to be wasted."

"Crap, I knew I forgot something! I have to skip first period. I didn't even start the essay."

"Why not?"

"Because! I was gonna start it last night, but... things got in the way."

My stomach somersaults.


"Wait, so tell me again, you two did what last night?" Hanna smirks, then shoves a forkful of pasta into her mouth.

"Look, you know what? It's private. I don't wanna talk about this anymore."Emily grabs her bag and storms off.

"Em, come back!"I shout after her.

"Please don't, Spencer." I shake off the bolt of pain that strikes me. I slump back down at the table with the others. I'm not hungry anymore.

"Guys, I um.. I have to tell you something."

"Is it about Emily?"

"Shut up Hanna." Now even Aria's fed up.

"No, it's not about her. When I saw Ali yesterday morning before she left, she um.. she told me the whole story of what happened that night."

"Wait, you mean.. THAT night?"

"Yeah." I take a deep breath. "She said that... that I ran after her with a shovel and tried to kill her." I can't speak anymore as a suffocating lump throbs in my throat and tears form in my eyes.

"Oh my gosh." Aria puts her arm round me, and Hanna covers her mouth.

"Look, Spence, you were on drugs, and probably very confused. Anyway, you didn't even hurt her. She's just exaggerating because she doesn't know who really hurt her, so she wants to blame it all on someone."

I know Aria was trying to help, but nothing could change the truth. I wanted Ali dead.

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