Chapter 2

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After a long 3 minutes, Emily bursts into my room, with a concerned look on her face.
"Hi. Sorry I took so long." She says, as if reading my mind. I jump up and receive her warm hug, closing my eyes and wishing I could stay in her arms forever.
Without her touch I am cold again so I slump back onto my bed. Emily sits down next to me.
"So." She says, looking me in the eye, "What's the matter?"
I take a deep breath.
"Well, you know when I said Ali was meeting me this morning."
"Yeah." Emily's eyes light up when I say her name. My heart fractures.
"Um, well, she told me the real story. About....about what happened that night."
I look up from the floor at Emily and she is still watching me intently. I carry on.
"She told me that...that...that I hit her..." My voice cracks and I can't speak any more.
"Oh, Spence..." Emily moves towards me and puts her arm round me. I start sobbing, so she pulls me into a tight hug. I feel safe when she holds me like this. When Emily lets go I say,
"How could I have done this? How?" I can't speak without bursting into tears again. Emily wraps her arms around me and pulls my head into her neck. "It's okay. I know it's not true. It's not true." She says it again and again, but no words will change the truth. All I need right now is someone to hold me close.

Spencer and Emily - Pretty Little LiarsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt