chapter 14

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"Hey Dakota, you got a second?" I was stopped at the door by Ashton, I nodded and turned around to see him looking down and rubbing the back of his neck.

"What's up?" I asked, he slowly looked up from my feet, meeting my eyes.

"Um I was wondering, if maybe you wanted to get coffee with me tomorrow?" He asked, I crooked an eyebrow at him. "Like, um, like a date" I asked, he nodded and I was silent for a while, just looking at him. I think he took it that I was going to say no, cause he mumbled something and started walking away.

"Wait" I spoke, putting him to a halt. I brought my fingers up to pinch the bridge of my nose, "You want to go on a date...with me?" I asked, he bit his lip, nodding slowly. My breath was shaky as I sighed, god I'm totally embarrassing myself.

"I-um. Sorry I just haven't been asked this in a long time." I paused, "A really long time" I whispered to myself, but just my luck, he heard it.

"What do you mean? You're very pretty Dakota," he messed with his hair a bit, before continuing, "any guy would be very lucky to take you out" he finished.

I stood with my mouth agape, just starring at him. Completely awe struck by his words.


I watched as the whole event happened in front of me. Ashton asking Dakota out was not something that I was very happy about.

He asked me the first day he saw her, if it was ok with it, he didn't know we went out. He just thought we were good friends or something. I told him to do what he wants if it feels right.

I guess that it felt right to him then, but it doesn't feel right to me.

I was about to stop them from doing something, but then I heard Dakota speak to him.

"any guy would be very lucky to take you out" Ashton told her, I saw as her facial features softened, mine filling with anger. I hate this, she's mine! Why would even one of my best friends do this to me!

Just then, Dakota pulled Ashton into her, she cried into his neck as he awkwardly patted her back.

Does he even know how to treat a girl!? You're supposed to be comforting her!

"That means so much, no one has ever said anything like that to me" she cried, he rubbed her back and I was full of fury.

I told Dakota everything to make her feel better! Yet he tells her one thing, and she fucking cries in his shoulder! Is it her time if the month?

Ok I may be over reacting, but I love her. I love Dakota so much and when you see the one you love, with someone else, someone else comforting her, it hurts. It feels like I got fucking stabbed in the heart, my whole body ached and I felt a tear steam down my left cheek.

God damn, I was crying! I quickly collected myself, not baring to see this bull shit anymore and ran past the two of them.

"Niall are you ok?" I heard Dakota asked quietly as I ran past them, why the fuck does she care?

We never even broke up and she agreed to go on a date with that bloke I used to call one of my best friends!


I slammed yet another empty bottle on the table, my eyes blurry from the tears and the alcohol. This was probably the fourth bottle I drank tonight, I don't give a fuck if I'm piss drunk, it feels better than the pain.

Everything I was thinking about, it was Dakota. I remember last time I was heart broken with Dakota, she was in a fucking coma.

I'm trying to remember what I did, what did I do to make me feel better.

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