"Mhh", he mused, "lets see, you know not all prisoners have the privilege to take a shower."

"Privilege? This is a privilege? I'd say its a need", I scoffed.

Suddenly the door opened and slammed close and he was gone.

I turned around and let the water run through my hair and down my back, it was very cold but it cleaned my dirty skin.

Suddenly the door opened and Joel backed inside, In his hand a bar of soap. He tossed it towards me and it landed perfectly in my hands without me giving much effort.

"Thank you", I whispered gratefully.

Joel was waiting with his back towards me while I washed my dirty body and hair. When I was done I realized that my clothes where gone.

"What am I supposed to wear?", I asked alarmed. 

"Mh I don't know," he answered casually.

"But where are my clothes?", I asked nervously.

Suddenly the door opened and my eyes widened as Flora entered with a towel in her hand. Without words she came towards me and I stared at her with wide eyes.

She opened the towel and motioned for me to step inside.

I was frozen to the spot not daring for her to see me.

"Hurry, I can't be in here for long." she whispered.   

Hesitantly I took a step towards her trying to cover up my naked body.

"Hurry", she hissed, "I'm a woman too."

Quickly I lunged towards the towels safety and she wrapped it around me. It was soft and cozy and I sighed involuntarily. 

She told me in a quiet voice to dry of and I quickly obliged. 

Suddenly she grabbed the towel and tore it away from me and I yelped.

"Shh", she shushed me in a hushed tone, "do you want clothes or not?"

"Uh yes of course.", I murmured.

She flicked her hand before my eyes and a stream of blue energy followed her movement. I stared in awe as she dragged her hands down my body and left me clothed in a pair of dark gray leggings and a matching shirt, undergarments and all.

I was glad and thankful for what she had done but secretly wished that she would have given me a warm jacket.

Dressed in leggings, a long sleeved but light shirt and bare feet were not exactly suitable In a dungeon.

"Thank you so much", I whispered nonetheless grateful.

Flora smiled lightly and hurried to the door, where Joel had turned to look at us.

"Thanks Flora," he murmured and brushed a slight kiss against her cheek. 

As she vanished out of the door Joel came towards me with a regretful look and I backed away slightly. He flashed behind me and had my arms in restraint cuffing them again. I turned to frown at him and his expression matched mine.

"Orders", he murmured.

With one hand on the cuffs and the other on my arm he walked me out of the room. He directed our steps back to the cell I had been in. The cold stone floor was biting my feet and I winced each time I stepped on an edgy stone.

This time the prisoners didn't reach for me but were still glaring or hissing.

'I'm food for them'

My thoughts surprised me and I realized how true they were. I didn't know much about vampires and that what I had read, well I couldn't be sure if that was true.

For once I had never thought it possible for vampires to have babies or blood in their system.

'And that it would be so delicious'

I glanced down at Joel's hand around my arm and instantly noticed the veins running across it. Saliva became excessive in my mouth and I swallowed hard

I had wanted to talk to Sir Castor about it but I hadn't gotten a chance. I didn't know if I should talk to somebody about it or to not tell anyone. 

As we entered the cell he unlocked my hands and I turned around to have another look at his veins, I gulped as his thick veined arms entered my vision.

I couldn't take my eyes off them. My hand went out to trace the thickest of them all. It was as if something else was controlling my actions.

"What are you doing?", Joel asked with wide eyes.

My gaze swept up to meet his but quickly went down again as I saw his eyes color was flickering and unsteady.

My fingers kept tracing his veins and my eyes were glued to them. It was as if I could taste the sweet liquid on the tip of my tongue, but  wasn't able to quite catch it.

Suddenly Joel stormed out of the cell and locked the door behind him. Then he was gone.

I hated that attraction, but I wasn't able to control it.

All of sudden and utter and unexplained heart wrench came crashing down on me. I gasped and clutched my chest. 

 A million daggers pierced my heart; my body weakened and I slumped to the ground in a groan. It felt as if a hand of ice had reached out and taken hold of my heart and was squeezing it into broken pieces.

The sound of a blood curling scream reached my ears but only later did I realize that it had been mine.

TO BE CONTINUED...........................................................

Short but sweet;)

Sorry for any mistakes

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