Chapter 7

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Feburary 9th 12:54pm

I wake up alone. The bed feels so much bigger without Harry in it. Thank god I get to see him today. I miss being cuddle up in his arms. It always felt like I was so safe. As long as he held me nothing in this world could hurt me. I grab a pair of extra clothes because I'll probably be staying the night. I put on a pair of sweats and throw on some toms. Bad combonation I know, but I wasn't trying to hard to impress anyone anymore. I throw my hair up in a beanie, grab a bagel from the toaster and lock the door behind me. The drive to the hospital is pretty short, but long enough to let me unwine. I always found driving had a way of calming me down. Like each inch of road I passed gave me peace. I shuffle through my phone and find a song Harry loves. The song starts, its beat slow but perfect. The words fit the song like they're made for it. Like they were crafted for only one reason. Once Harry showed me it I instantly feel in love, and demanded he put it on my phone. He did with pleasure.

I arrive at the hospital and pull into a parking spot closest to the doors. I roll up the window, open the door and hop out. Harry never had a problem getting out of my SUV because he's so tall, but I'm shorter then him, so there's always a little jump. Harry told me it must be so fun. Jumping. Knowing your going to land, but not knowing when. It's sort of like, liking someone I guess. You know eventually your going to love them, that your going to fall in love with them, but you don't know if they're going to love you back. Its a risk you have to take Harry always says. He said if you ever want something in life, if you ever want to get somewhere or do anything, you have to take a risk. That's the only way you'll ever get a reward. I always asked him, what if it fails? What if you fail? What if everything falls apart? And he'd always have the same response. But what if it doesn't.

I approach the elevator. It opens almost instantly. A few people come off. One man with a little child and a older lady who has clearly been crying. I step inside and hit 13. That's one thing I don't like about a hospital. Most times people are here for sad reasons, rarely happy. And most times thats what your there for too. A lot of the time seeing other people sad, seeing their pain, you start to feel it too. You start to feel the sorrow for a man who lies dying in that room. Or that child with no hair. So in the end you end up making yourself feel worse, instead of feeling better. The ding of the elevator hitting level 13 sends me out of my thought. I step out of the elevator and try and collect myself. I look around for room 126 even though I know where it is by heart. The nurses always joked that even if it was pitch dark and I was blind folded I'd still know where to go.

"Morning Louis!" Diana, one of the nurses says.

"Morning." I call back. "How's Harry doing?"

"Oh, He's doing alright. Been asking about you a lot. Where have you been?"

"Oh, I've just been really busy." I say not wanting to tell her that it pains me to see Harry so sick. That it takes every inch of strenght I have to visit him when I do.

"Too busy for Harry? Now that doesn't seem like you." She laughes, but I hear the questioning in her voice.

I find Harry's room. I look in to see Harry laying in his bed watching tv. He doesn't look like my Harry. His face lights up once he sees me.

"Lou!" He calls. I drop all my things and run over to him. He doesn't smell like my Harry either.

"Hey love. I've missed you." I laugh to try and hide the shiver that runs through my spine.

"I've missed you so much Lou." I now know why I rarely visit. Seeing him like this just pains me so much. Its hard to pretend everything ok, when nothings even right.

He moves over, and I crawl into the bed. His body is now just skin and bones. His ribs stick out and his hips sink in. His eye look tired and they have darkned bags enclosing them. He's never looked this bad. We watch movies for a while. Harry falls asleep a hour or so later. I quietly sneak out of his room and find Diana. I find her cleaning out one of the rooms. I assume that someone must have just recently passed away because the rooms smells of death. The smell kind of matches Harry's room too. I try to push that thought away.

"Diana. Can I talk to you for a moment?" I ask, hoping she's not too busy.

"Yeah sure Louis. What's up?"

"How's Harry?" I know she thinking of the right words to say.

"I told you he's fine. He misses you. That's all." I haven't known Diana long, but I can tell she's holding something back.

"Are you sure that's all?"

"Yes I'm sure."

"Diana, please. I love him. I need to know." She tries to look away. To not see the pleading in my eyes. Maybe its easier to say no, if you don't look in someone's eyes. Maybe its easier to not tell them if you look away. But I know Diana well enough that she can't do either.

"Alright, but don't tell anyone I have told you anything Louis. This is very serious. Its not my place to be telling patients or their family what's going on." The way she calls me family, puts a grin on my face. I quickly try to hide it but she sees. I guess I am his family now.


"Ok...Louis...he isn't doing good. He's getting worse and worse each day. He's starting to grow weak. He's not eatting. And he's basically skin and bones. And...that's not a good sign. I'm sorry. But I'd give him two days. Tops." I swallow down a gulp. Two days. Two bloody days and Harry will be gone. Gone from my life. Gone from my mind. But never be gone from my heart.

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