nineteen | real life

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DANY'S EYES WIDENED as she looked at the person in front of her. He seemed familiar, the pushed back brown hair, brown eyes, and and her stomach flipped as she realized she had been texting Tom Holland for the last 4 months. No words seemed to come out of her mouth, as she opened and closed it like a fish out of water.

He smiled at her, and her heart jumped, but then anger filled her. She thought about all the times she had gushed over Tom Holland to himself, talked about him as is he were someone else. She'd never felt so emberrased in her whole life.

Tom smiled and made a move to hug her, but she just shook her head and turned around. Tom's heart sank.

"Dany! Dany, wait. Dany!" Tom yelled after her, and she stopped.

"What, Tom?" She said in a cold voice. Tom reached her and grabbed her arm.

"What happened? You wanted to mert me and now we did. Why are you acting like this?'' Something snapped inside Danielle.

''Oh, I don't know, maybe because you never told me who you really are? Maybe bacause I talked about how attractive I find you to you? I can't even believe this right now! I've never felt so emberrased!" She yelled at him, letting out all her anger, she didn't even remember if she'd ever been this angry before in her life.

Now, it was his turn to open and close his mouth like a fish out of water.

"Look, Dany. I didn't tell you because I was afraid you'd act this way. I'm really sorry, okay?" Tom said, trying to get yo her.

"No, it's not okay! Why didn't you tell me who you were so I could have avoided being so emberrased," she then remembered she'd met him before right in the cafe they were standing in front of, "Oh my god, I met you and talked to you about how cute you were and you didn't do anything! You probably just laughed at me this whole time didn't you?"

Tom felt bad that she would even think he'd do something like that to her. He knew he had to do something.

"You know what? I can't deal with this." Dany said, and turned around to leave, but Tom grabbed her by the arm and pulled her, bringing her face closer to his and taking her face in his hands.

Dany's breath quickened as she stared into his eyes. The eyes of the person she thouht she knew. She felt her anger rise up again, and before he could kiss her, she pulled away and looked at him in disbelief. She opened her mouth to probably start shouting again but someone beat her to it.

"OH MY GOD! IS THAT TOM HOLLAND?" The couple looked at the other side of the street, and saw a girl and two boys running towards them, and with the girl shouting, a lot of people turned to them. But Tom only turned back to Danielle.

"You know what? Talk to them, at least they know who you are." She turned her back and started walking, and this time he couldn't do anything to stop her as he was flooded with his fans.

He watched her get smaller and smaller until he couldn't see her, and his heart ached the whole time.


sorry, but here's some pain. and i probably won't be able to update much because we're going on a vacation, but i'll try. love you guys!

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