twelve | real life

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TOM WAS SITTING in a coffe shop in New York. He was still upset about Dany, he really didn't know what to say to her. He wanted to meet her, but was afraid of how she might react, on the other hand, Dany was already mad at him.

He didn't look up when he heard the door open, and three people walked in. They sat at the table next to him, and when acreams and squels didn't come, he was glad someone finally didn't recognise him.

Then his phone rang and he saw it was Dany. He grinned wildly.


don't look


oh sorry
that was meant for jenny

what happened

you're still not forgiven


TOM'S EYES WIDENED, and he looked up to see that the three people that had sat at the table were Dany, Jenny and Carter. His breath got caught in his throat, she was in the same room as him.

He saw that Dany was doing s weird movement to Carter and Jenny who were sitting across from her. He realized she was pointing at him with her head, trying to be disecret, but failing miserably. He chuckled at the sight of her.


omfg he chuckled
that was the cutest sound i've ever heard

how are you calm enough to text me

no fucking idea but carter and jenny aren't getting it


SHE STARTED TO do the same thing again, and Carter looked at his right, finally understanding her. Tom watched as his eyes widened and he grabbed Jenny's arm in excitement.

Jenny looked at Carter and saw Tom from his back. Tom heard a faint 'oh my god' come from her. He realised that he could use this situation as an advantage.


go over and meet him

no way
do you want me to faint in public

you'll be glad you did it afterwards

but if it goes wrong i'm blaming you

trust me it won't

here i go


HE CHOKED ON his coffee when he read that. He started waiting, impatiently, with his heart bumping in his ears.

He looked up when he sensed someone next to him. It was her. Dany. She was actually standing next to him.

"Hi." She awkwardly said with a big grin on her face. Her voice was soft, and it made her even more perfect.

"Hi," It was taking all his will not to get up and hug her. Tom could see she was barely containing her excitement. He was the same.

"Um...I'm Dany and I really like you. I look forward to seeing you in Civil War."

"Oh, well thanks. I look forward to seeing myself in Civil War too." She snorted and Tom mentally slapped himself.

"Can we, um, take a picture?" She asked, taking out her phone.

"Yeah sure." He said and got up, standing next to her. She shoved her phone in Carter's hand and stood next to him.

Tom took a leap of faith and put his hand around her shoulders and he felt her breath get caught in her throat and heard her little squeal. He almost died.

"Here you go." Carter gave the phone back to Dany. "Right." She chuckled nervously and turned toward him.

"Well, I should get going." Tom said, and left some money on his table. He smiled at Dany and went out the door.

He gave the breath he didn't realise he'd been holding when he was outside. He turned back, and saw a big grin on Dany's face. He smiled greatly himself.

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