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"Where we meeting?" Trev asked, his background light and quiet. I wiped my face and looked around. "Dee's place." I answered, making the bed. I told Cay and Luke that this would be the safest and most private place to plan something. An escape. I doubt that calling the police would do anything. They haven't physically hurt us, nor threatened us. We just overheard and I don't know how the justice system works over here.

It was still unreal to me.. everything that was going on. I never would have thought I'd have to plan an escape from my mother. I just thought that was something you'd see in a movie or something. I knew it happened to people all over the world, but of course, I never knew it'd happen to me. It's just so messed up.

"Does Dee know we're gonna use his house?" I looked at the phone in dismay, trying to hold back my laughter. Right Caden... good question, I thought to myself. Because I'd be using my boyfriend's house to figure out what we were going to do about my mom trying to kill us and he wouldn't know.. yeah.

I held the cell phone back to my ear, noticing Luke's quiet concern on the other end, unaware of his humorous yet innocent question.

"Yes Lucas," I began, a giggle escaping. I couldn't hold it any longer. Even in an position like this, my brother had such a great sense of humor.

"He knows. He was there with me when it all went down."

I fluffed the pillows and straightened the rug. I hated for a room to be messy. I was such a neat freak.

"Okay, what time?" I looked at the phone and the screen lit up, flashing Cay's name on it. The time read 1:17 PM.

"Come by here around four." I said, picking off lint from the comforter.

"Alright." I gave Lucas the address and we hung up. I tossed my phone onto the bed and dropped my head into my hands.

Why was this happening to me? Why was my own mother plotting to kill me?

There were two knocks against the bedroom door. I shot up and turned around, meeting eyes with the only person besides Cay and Luke who truly cared for me, Dee.

"Nina, you straight?" He was dressed in a black tee shirt, dark jeans, and black Vans. He had his silver chain on and that sweet smelling cologne that I adored.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." I said, wiping my face once more.

He came over and embraced me. "Don't stress. We're going to get through this. Shoot, if they touch you, I'll kill them myself." I actually smiled. Leave it to him.

My cell phone began to vibrate, breaking into Dee and I's moment. I sighed and looked over at it. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was my mother. I picked it up and handed it to Dee. "I can't." I whispered to him. He looked at me and then back at the phone. He answered.

"Hello." He quickly switched it to speaker phone so we could both hear. "Oh.. hey, Deondre?" My mother asked, seeming surprised not to hear my voice. "Yeah, it's me. What's up?" "Oh well, I was just calling Nina to find out what happened to everyone. Everyone was gone. It was just Chad and I in this huge house." I'm pretty sure that's how you want it. Dee sighed and stuck his hand in his pocket. "Yeah, well we just wanted to have a night out. Nothing special. Just chilling with my girl."

I stared at the phone with concern in my face. I never had to deal with any of this before, it was so nerve wracking. "Oh well okay. Well, just tell Nina to give me a call when she can. Have you guys heard from Caden or Lucas? Tell them to come home too. Me and Chad want to talk to them." my mother said, seeming to have no care in the world. "They're probably with Cay's girl you know. We're all just chilling. But I'll let Nina know." He hung up and looked at me. "She makes me sick." We said simultaneously.
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Instagram: neiarenee
Twitter: taneiartxo

Nina Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang