Chapter 1: Grandmas' tail.

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It was dark, cold, and quiet. a thin silence blanketed over Surrey as the clock struck 9:00pm. In the area we are currently in, is where are story begins. And in this area, nobody really spoke to each other. Only to people who were close to each other. This was because most of the people here had pasts they'd like to forget, pasts that were locked up and abandoned. We're currently on colpot lane. This lane was tight with small, basic, Victorian eerier houses. All you could hear was the dominating hit of horse hooves trotting along the cobble road, under the clouded moon light.

"Mummy," a voice not much louder than a whisper; came from a small girl, huddled up in her blanket, shivering in the cold, as the fire was providing little heat, and the walls gave little protection.

"Yes, my dear" an older women replied, she was only in her late twentys, sat at the side of the bed, facing the small child.

"I found Grandma Alices' diary today. Pages were missing." The young child hesitated before carrying on "...what is wonderland?" The mother sat, her face became slightly stern, "you shouldn't have looked," she looked at the child, and then her face softened " I honestly don't know though darling, She used to tell me and my sister tails of a Wonderland when I was young, but I can barely remember"

The rain began to gently poor, pattering against the window.


The following day


*Yes , Of course , I know Mrs Alice.* the bothered voice traveled through the rooms, reaching a young child's ear

"Grandma Alice!" She cried!

Jumping up and racing past her mother, to the elderly women.

"Ahhh, Celia, look how small you still are! Crikey!" The old women chuckled to herself, before, in a slight Woddle, going over to the fairly large armchair and resting herself down. "So," she began, her voice old, but gripping, she had the voice of a story teller, with many tails to tell. "What would you like to talk about?"

"Well" the girl started, not sure how to continue, scared of the out come " Grandma?"


"...What is Wonderland?"

Silence surrounded them, as the elderly women's face fell, into an emotionless expression. She sat, with no feeling written on her face, starring at the young girl; the young girl started to become intimidated by her grandmothers stare.

"Gra-" the small child was cut off, by a murmur from her grandmother. The young girl became saddened, as the last time she saw her grandmother was like this, was the day her father, her grandmothers son, walked out, and they lost all connection with him. They don't even know if he's still alive....

Another murmur broke the child's thoughts. It was slightly louder this time.

"Wonderland?" Her grandmother questioned "wonderland? What is wonderland? Well my dear, wonderland is dead! It's burning and falling apart, breaking at the seams!" She screeched. She stood up, and swung her arms around in the hurry, thus, in the process nocking a candle. The girl stood up and stood back, as her Grandma loomed over her. " no more..." She snarled.

The girl stumbled back, and began to head for the door, as she saw a fire race across the floor. She made it through the door as the roared , making it impossible to get through without getting burnt.

"MOTHER!" She screeched. Her mother came rushing next to her to find her mother in law chuckling.

"Do you see Celia?!" The elderly women yelled her voice cracking "Do you see?!"

"I need to get her out if there!" Her mother gritted. Her mother left over the fire, to the women.

"The walls are falling! They're breaking, and the hell fire that wonderland is becoming is breaking through to consume us ALL!" Her grandma cackled.

The young girls mother attempted to get the mad old women out, but it was no use. So she began to head for the door, as the fire grew worse, quickly closing in on the women.

"RUN!" The mother yelled to the child " And remember I love you, and for gods sake, be good..." The mother smiled at her child, even though she knew she was taking her last breaths.

" I love you too....but no....YOU CANT LEAVE ME!" The girl cried.

"Don't be stupid! Run!" the mother replied. The fire began to close in on the young girl. She ran to the door, and just as she left she heard her grandma yell

"We're all going to die in hell! Goodnight, Celia, dream well." She smiled creepily at the child. The girl ran out , just as she got to the end if the garden where fire men were stood with hoses, a large explosion happened...a huge gust of air zoomed by her from behind...and shards of her home began to rain down from the sky. Silence blanketed the street once more. The street stood. Silent, the only thing that could be heard was the patter of material falling, and the tear of a girl...a girl who had lost her home, her mother, and grandmother, and possibly soon to be, sanity.


Author: hey! I hope you enjoyed! Please give me feed back! And Thankyou for reading! :)x

Wonderland (but not like grandma alice would remember)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ