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Steve went to Tony's lab quite sure he would be able to find him there and he did. Maybe it was the fact he was starting to feel guilty about what had just happened with Loki, it might have been the fact that Tony seemed awfully concentrated on fixing something on his right glove while he was wearing it but whatever the reason he had approached Tony stealthy almost silently.

"Tony ..." He called him distractedly.

Without any warning Tony closed the gap between them in one swift jump over the table and taking advantage of an unsuspecting Steve threw a punch to his face with his gauntlet arm.

Steve fell to the ground tackled by a raging Tony who tried to hit him again. The second stroke came from Tony's bare hand giving Steve an opportunity to block the next punch. Seizing the gauntlet to avoid being hit again Steve rolled Tony pinning him effectively under him.

"Are you out of your freaking mind?" Steve howled furiously.

"Sanctimonious bastard! You kissed him! I saw you!" Tony spat vexed.

Steve gasped surprised. "It's not what you think!" He couldn't tell him the truth. The truth wouldn't help him this time.

"It's not what I think? Don't try to deny it! I saw both of you through the surveillance system." Tony yelled enraged as he kept trying to escape from Steve's grip.

"You were spying on us?" Steve inquired baffled. How much had he seen?

"I wanted to see if he was all right. I was worried. And guess what I saw, the two of you kissing ... and you're trying to tell me I imagined it?" He growled furiously. "What sick game are you playing Steve?"

"I never ..." Steve uttered confused. What could he tell him? As he tried to think of something Tony managed to loosen his armored arm and fired a repulsor blast against his unprotected ribs. The blast knocked Steve a few meters away as he forced himself to raise up despite the pain he felt on his injured side he noticed Tony walking towards him ready to fire another blast. Swiftly he jumped behind the nearest desk avoiding being hit by barely a second.

"Tony wait! Just listen to me!" Steve yelled from behind the desk while he quickly scanned his surroundings; he needed something to defend himself, anything.

"Why would I do that?" Tony shouted at him while looking for the best angel to shoot at him again. "You are trying to steal my boyfriend."

"Tony come on just listen to me, I'm not playing any games. I wouldn't have talked you into meeting with Loki if I was. I made a mistake ok? A stupid mistake! I'm not trying to steal your boyfriend. Just let me explain." He tried to reason with him as he grabbed a stapler that had felt to the floor, he grinned wryly at it, he had hoped for something better. He had one chance and one alone, a stapler wasn't much but with the perfect aim.

"I don't know. Maybe you've been spending too much time with Natasha. All that double agent crap ... I don't know Steve. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen you." Tony rambled, it bothered him that part of what Steve said made sense. "But I did."

Steve huffed distraught. "I know you did ... you didn't imagine that. I'm sorry. It happened but it's not what you think." He acknowledged mortified.

"Backstabbing traitor! "Tony fired his propulsor enraged by Steve's guilty admission. Steve had been expecting it; as he jumped to the next desk for cover he threw the stapler against Tony's head.

In the next moments the only sound Steve could hear was the beat of his own heart. Carefully he peeked around from his new hiding place. From the corner of his eye he noticed a boot; Tony's boot. He jumped out and nervously checked Tony for breathing and pulse. When he found both he sighed relieved; the only visible wound was a red mark on Tony's forehead where the stapler had hit him.

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