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As Tony walked out of the room Steve turned his head right. He didn't wanted to eavesdrop on the couple but he wasn't comfortable leaving them completely alone after all that had happened. He had settled on sitting down on the farthest corner of the corridor in case he had to intervene again.

When Tony finally walked out Steve could see him protectively nursing his right wrist with a concerned frown on his face. He stood up quickly as Tony walked absentminded right in front of him.

"Tony?" He called worryingly.

Tony looked back at him startled by his presence. For a moment he opened his mouth as if he was to say something but at the last moment refrain from saying a word and just huffed upset as he walked out of the medical level.

Steve watched him leave with a heavy heart. Things didn't seemed to have gone right. Next he walked into Loki's room startling him.

"Steve? How?" He spat surprised then frowned upset "Were you eavesdropping on us?"

"No!" Steve defended himself quickly. "I ... I stayed on the corridor as far as I could ... I was worried something could happen ... and ... I saw Tony leave. What happened?" He couldn't conceal the concern in his voice.

"I gave him an ultimatum." Loki told him with an air of self-satisfaction. "Either he stands by me side or he doesn't at all. I can't him wavering anymore."

"You did what? I can't believe it! What did he say?" Steve asked baffled by Loki's response.

"Nothing yet." Loki volunteered calmly. "I asked him to think about it. I want him to be sure about his decision." Next he changed his tone. "When are the rest of the team coming back?"

"According to Clint tomorrow night ... at least him and Natasha. I'm not sure about the rest." Steve told him shrugging his shoulders.

"All right." Loki sighed. "Then I guess he has until tomorrow night to make up his mind. I'd like to keep this incident ... private."

Steve looked at him confused, how did he planned to do that?

"You should tell him that." Loki added snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Ah ... umh ... all right." He agreed absently.

"What's wrong Steve?" Loki asked reading the confusion on his face.

"I ... I'm just surprised you did that. I thought you wanted tony back no matter what." Steve dryly pointed as he withdraws his real question.

"I thought that too." Loki agreed pensively. "I really hadn't realized it until now ... "He raised his head to look at Steve as he added. "He might be wrong about a lot of things; but I think he is right when he says I deserve better. Now he just has to figure out if he wants to become that sort of man."

Steve nodded affirmatively as he considered it. Next he asked. "How's your arm?"

"Still sore, but better." Loki acknowledged, this time he was sitting up without any discomfort.

"Seems you are starting to heal faster." Steve pointed out relieved.

Loki examined his arm briefly and smiled. "I've had an outstanding nurse." He bowed his head slightly thanking Steve.

Steve blushed at his compliment embarrassed as he bowed back. "Then I guess I should check on the rest of your wounds or I would be neglecting my duties. I think I should start with your eye." He walked towards Loki right to examine it.

"It seems it ..." Without any warning Loki pulled him into an ardent kiss. Steve widened his eyes surprised before he was swooned away by Loki's kiss. When Loki loosen his grip on him to get some air he tried to ask. "But ... Tony ..." Without any delay Loki threw his arms around his neck and pulled him into another kiss to silence his words. This time he leaned down into the bed taking Steve down with him. Taken by surprise by the sudden position change Steve barely steadied himself leaning his arms into the bed. When a muffled moan escaped his lips Loki smirked and tried to pull him into the bed with him. He pulled too hard too fast with a disastrous result; feeling unbalanced Steve's instincts told him to roll with such bad luck he rolled himself out of the bed taking Loki down with him. By some miracle neither of them had got entangled with Loki's IV. The scene was hilarious Steve sprawled on the floor while he tried to catch his breath back as Loki laid on top of him staring worryingly at Steve's red frowned face. When Steve finally looked up and found Loki's eyes upon him he couldn't help to laugh.

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